Predictions for update in February

68 posts Member
Here are my predictions for the month of February

Poe Dameron
- Base speed adjusted by -1

First Order Tie Pilot
- STR and AGI correct at 7*
- Bonus dmg adjusted for Gun down due to AGI which is his Physical dmg calculator increased

Asajj Ventress
- Strike Fear correct to dispel buffs (and remove icons), tooltip correct to heal all party instead of just Ventress
- Rampage corrected to apply buff when Ventress kills a target

General corrections
- Leader abilities corrected to work first turn, QGJ and Ventress come to mind
- moving Chrom toons to different shipments
- extra shards converted to 100 (token currency) each, and new shards cost 100 each, stacks of 5, toons limited to a rotating selection

Not sure on what else, add your ideas and lets see if we can predict what can be fixed


  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Night sister initiste also has the str-agi but at 7* I think. Nobody cafés because she is not OP in damage, but probably will be fixed too.
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    I do not think they are going to nerf poe at all..
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    I predict a lot of whining and threats to either quit or never spend another penny on the game.
    Look, good against pvp is one thing, good against the living, that’s something else.
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    This is less a prediction and more a virtual certainty.

    1. Whatever changes get made will initially provoke outrage over something(s)
    2. This outrage will last until the next change is made, whereupon a new outrage will ensue.
    3. Threads about how "impossible" GW is to finish will continue.
    4. The first three predictions will occur every month until the end of time.
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    At least 5:1 shard exchange rate.
    A few new toons. Maybe 5.
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    Rey's speed heavily nerfed to 100 max. A little faster than Darth Maul.
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    Lol I nailed quite a few of them
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