This is why SWGOH fails and gets more boring every day

188 posts Member
edited November 2016

Burning 128 energy in one click for ONE drop (when you need tens of them) means your game has become tedious and boring: a real chore. No wonder player give up more and more on you EA/CG.
Post edited by Aglardae on


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    Yea I have done this with 20 times and received 0. Does the same with b2 sbd.
  • Jls73
    31 posts Member
    I think the algorithm is broken for the gear drop use alot of energy to get 1 maybe 2 when u need like 2000. I don't mind grinding for it but REALLY!!!! Come on EA either make it so we only need 10 for each character or allow the gear drops a little more often.
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    That is right. I am positively sick of it. After spending so much money for the last 3 months or so, I am going to quit the game. It is irritating and becomes so frustrating after level 70.
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    See with purple gear it's upsetting, but the fact I can go 10-15 battles and get nothing going for blue and green gear is just wrong and should be illegal.
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    Love the game but It is getting tedious and is terrible that the higher you get the harder it is to gear up to the levels that you need for challenges and levels....geez it is get hardly any help and need 10 times more than you get...I'm bored with it and it is now I'm get to where I just don't want to play because all I can do is collect the daily activities then quit the game.
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