Is the ewok event hard?

I'm not sure why but I keep having horrific flashbacks of 30 ewok scouts hitting a bunch of 10k critical and taking 3 turns each before I even move. Is that because of this event or at I just imagining things


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    As i remember right, focus scout then elder, then chirpa.. The hard mode makes the scouts hit for 17k - 25k but they arent as fast as the jawas (: .. So with a droid squad i was able to do the event after 5 trys .. Now my doids are better and there is no problem for me.. And those buffs u can gain are rly strong as i remember right
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    The scouts hit like a brick, but their Hp is a joke. One AoE attack will kill them all if your characters are at a decent power.
    You want to stagger them so you have at least one ready to go during each stadge with the scouts
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    Not terribly hard. Target the evil deadly scouts first or they will ruin you. As I recall, they added little green skulls over their heads to let you know that these are the guys that are the most dangerous. Hit them first, bring RG to stun the Elders to prevent resurrection, if memory serves. I would think that a buff blocker would be highly effective in the last encounter, so TFP/B2/Emperor would be valuable.
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