Question about everyone's experience with the new Daily Challenge Rewards

72 posts Member
edited March 2017
While the new Daily Challenges are awesome (no more having to choose whether or not to farm syringes or comlinks, yay!) has anyone actually gotten more than 5 of the various purple gear to drop? I'm not complaing if there's a low drop rate, just curious if it's working as intended.

Edit: even the blue salvage pieces seem to drop at their original rates also. Again we only have a sample size of 15 attempts as of right now, but I'm curious if anyone has gotten the seven salvage pieces in purple or nine pieces of blue.


  • sneeekypants
    1914 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Droid callers, 1-9 I believe
    5 4 4 5 5

    Power cells 1-7
    5 4 5 5 6

    I always got 4-5 each before. I highly doubt they upped the average much, if any, but in the end it's a net gain so can't complain. It's just the usual cheesy gambling w skewed odds aspect found everywhere else in the game. You COULD get this much!!!! But the chance is 1%.
  • Options
    Oh I have no problem with there being a low chance (like the 10 million in the credit heist or 30 shards in the DT/Krennic pack), but I was just curious if anyone has actually gotten those max amounts yet.
  • WR4TH0R
    170 posts Member
    Highest I've seen is 6. Which looks to drop as often as the 5s did.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I never look at th rewards, just farm and move on. It's more fun that way, no obsessing over what you didn't get...
  • Options
    They've changed?
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