Cantina level 8 character shards

Level 8 battles used to be tough but I've made my toons Beasty and have gotten back on it. I noticed that not a single node rewards shards...
Maybe it's just been a while and I've forgotten how it works, do I need to complete all of them first?
I mean, surely we wouldn't have a situation where the hardest levels don't reward shards, right? Because that would be such a massive smack in the face.


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    Ok, wow...No shards.

    I'm sorry, EA, but this is a major fail.
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    They probably left it for future toons
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    I have only won 2 nodes. I finally 3* node 1 after countless tries about 2.5 wks ago. I was so excited to FINALLY do it so I could now farm omegas from there. I expected, since there was no shard there that the drop rate would be about 1/3 as shards are. With 2-4 refreshes per day I have farmed a grand total of (drum roll) 0 Omega's. Thats right not 1 freaking omega! That's so cr#p.
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    If it makes you feel better, I was chatting with my guildmates the other day about this. I probably ran at least 3K energy on those cantina nodes to try and get an omega mat. I got exactly zero lol. Oh well.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    forum members do get slapped and smacked in the face alot by a game they chose to play. I assume they don't really feel this way and just want give their complaint a bit more steam so to say, but it looks so gosh darn stoopid imo.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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