It's time to come home to Scrambled Rage.

I have heard the woes of many a lost guild mate. They all say the same thing. Not enough raids. Nobody talks. No activities getting done.

We here in Scrambled Rage are always playing and always looking to talk about achievements or gearing or whatever is on tap for the day. You will never Grind Alone.

Help us increase our Numbers and we will reward you with all the comfort and compassion that Guilds should provide.

We're even having a contest and the winner becomes an officer in the Guild!

What we are looking for in you is a willingness to play as often as you can, and to have fun doing it. To share your successes with us and let us hear about your troubles so we can help. To help you grow as a player in the caring guild that puts the member first.

Search no further. Pit Raids are always running for the Tiers that need it. The tank takedown is running.

We are unlocking the new characters on schedule and Ranking up in arenas.

It's time to come home to Scrambled Rage. Well leave the light on for ya.



GUILD Director and Founder

Ally code 117 315 767
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