T4/5 Guild looking for a few more active members UPDATE

28 posts Member
edited April 2017
fieldgulls is looking for 7-8 active level 50+ members. Its a great guild and we just ask that you participate daily and do your best to get your 600 daily raid tickets. We are starting T4 this week and are progressing quickly.


We have added a few lvl 80+ players and are still looking for a few more members. We are currently at 45/50 members. We are completing T4 easily and are implementing the 24h rule so that everyone can get rewards. I'm sure we will be moving to T5 soon. If you are level 50+ and wold like to join a fun and helpful guild, send me an ally request.

Post edited by RedMosquito44 on


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    Request sent
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    Request sent

    Got it. Just sent you a guild invite. Thx

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    I just joined a left a guild yesterday so it's making me wait until later today I think to join, sorry. See ya then
    5 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    We have about 12 people over level 60, 7 people in the 50's and 20 more members below 50. We want to grow to do raids as often as possible. It would be nice to start doing Tank raids also. Looking to grow into a strong guild someday.

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    Doing our first T5 raid in a couple days. Looking for a couple more active members.
  • Options
    We have about 12 people over level 60, 7 people in the 50's and 20 more members below 50. We want to grow to do raids as often as possible. It would be nice to start doing Tank raids also. Looking to grow into a strong guild someday.


    Fieldgulls have increase significantly since posting,44 total members and 30 members of 80+, Heroic Rancor often and progressing to Heroic Tank shortly.
    Guild GP 29mil
    Rancor rules, 0/24 then open
    AAT open
    We use Discord

    Friend me and join up, lets get Kenobi
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