
12 posts Member
edited March 2017
I have not encountered zsavage yet, but i read many praises from users. Reading the "Brute" description, it seems like he basically transfer debuffs to himself from a random ally. Can somebody explain how this is useful within a zaul team for example?


  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Keeps allies from staying stunned, heal blocked, shocked, etc. And he gains so much health and turn meter back, they dont faze him much
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    He lights up like a christmas tree with all the debuff/buffs he gains
  • ctyc123
    328 posts Member
    StlJedi wrote: »
    I have not encountered zsavage yet, but i read many praises from users. Reading the "Brute" description, it seems like he basically transfer debuffs to himself from a random ally. Can somebody explain how this is useful within a zaul team for example?

    Only sith allies no?
  • Options
    Yes, Sith Cleanser only
  • M_L
    469 posts Member
    my favorite is how his Zeta makes the common way of controlling dispellers useless 'cause any crit will dispel all the debuffs Zavage gets. And since most arena leaderships I've seen are NOT Darth Nihilus, crits happen relatively frequently....

    under Zaul Zavage is only killable with luck for me. I'm not counting using an annihilate as a solution 'cause it forces one to use a specific toon. I've heard Boba can deal with Zavage with Execute. But my Boba's not modded for dmg since i don't have great speed secondary, he's mostly modded for control. So against a max'ed Zavage, i still need luck for execute to definitely kill him in one shot....
  • Loose_Lee
    2733 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Yeah i been using a zyn R1 team with B2 in place of baze (im not a fan of baze, way to much hype)

    And zavage is like hulk... he dispels debuffs when he is hit critically, and absorbs other random sith debuffs... gains 50% tm when hit and with that 50% hp instakill... he has the beef to dish it out too.

    Im still gearing my savage... but he is getting zeta at g9 tomorrow... then zarris...

    I have killed zaul teams off completely with my R1 team (b2 instead of baze) except for zavage and with my team at full hp and some protection... and then get wiped out by zavage... he is crazy powerful once he gets that first overkill and adds crit chance/dmg hitting for 20k+ constantly.

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    I have a zSavage, and on attack, I find him underwhelming.

    Don't move much in a day so either I get avoided or he works well on def.
    (but yes, a Boba execute destroys him)
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    Zylo can 1v1 zavage.

    But it's a **** good fight, went like this.

    Alright, he executed my fotp... Down to you zylo. Save me.

    1. Zylo uses outrage.... DODGE!
    2. Zavage basic
    3. Zylo uses outrage.... DODGE!
    4. Zavage basic
    5. Zylo uses outrage.... DODGE!

    I swear and get angry... These Zaul dodge meta teams !

    Repeat until Zylo is executed and my device is thrown against the wall and I swear to delete the game.

    Since then I've added an accuracy arrow to Zylo in place of speed and I no longer have this problem.

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