HAAT Guild looking for 1 player (49/50) Must use Line. Level 85 preferred.

219 posts Member
edited May 2017
Contact me cypher82 on line if interested.

Just looking for someone active, 600 tickets daily....although we look at averages over week periods and anything 550+ is good over the average. We know some days things happen.

Rancor has a 24 hour 1 toon check in. HAAT we'll be introducing something similar soon as most HAAT raids are over n 6 hours or less.

Raid times are 3:00pm EST.

Must have line.

Must be level 82+ with at least 7 7* toons. Basically we don't need your help with HAAT, but would like you to be on your way, so you can help and contribute more then your 600 tickets when the next raid comes.
Post edited by MP83_Cypher on


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