galactic war high level AL

hello guys i keep getting hard opponents in galactic war each day i reset the galactic table :(


im only level 47 but my opponents are 53 and 5~6 star :(

here is my characters


this is like a nightmare !!

guys every single fight in galactic war has count dooku and darth sidious in it :(


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    They're supposed to start with easier battles and then get harder as you move on. From your screen shot, it looks like you're on your 8th battle of the day (farther than I've ever gotten), so it should be pretty a super hard matchup by then.
    *in game: MC3P0 - The Ewoking Deads
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    Dont take this the wrong way but just looking at your characters you have enough if planned properly to beat that team. Remember you can retreat, which helps with removing old bens ability block. Also you have some stuns, so stun the ones who counter, and use chewies taunt in combination with characters who have high dps and you will be fine.
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    Yup but i was clearing it every day but this one seems to be geting very hard as you level up and also improving your arena rank and power
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    Buy me a iTuness gift card and I will help you.
    Can't beat POE and aren't willing to change strats to defeat him? Cry nerf lol
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    Last 6 team of the galactic war is always hard to beat but with retreating and changing low health characters u might be able to beat some of em , or if you lucky enough to heal your group befor the match ends then your lucky to have a chance against the next team ☺believe me if you go to the next match with yellow health bar then the al gona roast you up
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    But from THE 3rd fight on i only get lvl 65 or higher And always 6 or 7 stars. The whole team!! It is really driving me crazy. (I only have 1 7star character And only 1 character higher than lvl 70)
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