Negative Eight Very Active/Casual 49/50 Guild Need One!!

Negative eight is looking for one good casual player. This is a pretty laid back bunch of guys, all work well and get along! We ask that you get on discord, get your 600 tickets daily, and participate in our raids. The rest is all up to you!
Currently we are running Rancor close to every other day and AAT about every 3. We are very punctual on are raid times they start at 9am central Doing raid this early allows our players all day to get there groups in. Player level above 75 please. Must have at least one 6* toon. At that level you should have more then one but the minimum is one. Shoot me a msg if you are interested. Please respond to this messege before sending me ally requests.
ally code- 123-551-599
Discord: Gambino#9036


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