The Agents of Ossus

Greetings All.
I am leader of The Agents of Ossus, we are a very active guild, with 20+ members, ranging from level 24 - 85.
We welcome new players as well as old.
We are currently cycling Tier 3 raids and Tier 5 Raids, the tier 3 raid is for players under 70 only, if someone over enters they shall be warned, and if continue to enter they will be kicked, as it ruins it for the lower levels players when such an early raid gets smashed by higher level players.
But fear not we shall also have a AAT raid going along side for those of a higher level to do while the Tier 3 is active.

We are generous with gear donations so please ask away if you need any, or if you need any help with the game in general :)
Thanks for your time

Add me if you wish for me to send an invite, though from my ally code you should easily be able to find the guild :) 619-628-376

(note il only accept adds from people not in a guild currently)


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    Hello, I realize this is not the most appropriate way to contact you, but I for some reason do not have the chat function in game. I was Wagg Doha in your guild. I found this post when I discovered I was booted.
    I am sorry for breaking the rule re tier 3 raids. I would never have deliberately spoiled things for our lower level team members. I have tried to be a good guild member. I did wonder why some of you higher level players were not participating in that raid. I should have figured something was amiss.
    At first I thought it was a bug that booted me so I asked to rejoin. I refrained from participating in Guild activities today except to spend 20 to put you over the top for daily rewards.
    If you no longer want me in your guild please just remove me. I think I have no chat due to age restriction.
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    All good, thank you for contacting me :) its no problem seeing as it was a mistake, thank you for understanding and participating appropriately with the raids. there shall be a raid for us to participate in very soon! :)

    Guild activities are no concern, please do as much as you wish, is simply the tier 3 raid that is for lower levels, as figured there wasn't a lot they could do previously and we have a lot of lower level players.
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