Guild Progression Advice

Hello all,

I was hoping you could give me some advice as to the direction my guild should go. We started out as a casual guild; playing just for fun. When raids came out we were behind the curve. Now, like most guilds we can clear the Heroic Rancor in a matter of minutes. We have been working out way through Normal AAT and have gotten much better at it. However, it seems as though we've hit a bit of a wall.

First, we introduced a 24 hour 0 damage policy for the Rancor. People were complaining that they wouldn't get a chance so this allows everyone to get on the board at least. The problem is that most people will put up 0, but some members seem to "forget" the rule and put up 100k before the 24 hour window is up. While this isn't typically a problem in regards to people be able to get credit for the raid, it does strike me as a lack of willingness to follow the rules.

Second, in the Normal AAT, there are 8 members who are pulling everyone through it. Those members usually end up between 3 mil and 10 mil in damage, with the rest being well below that. The officers give plenty of advice on best strategies and squads, but people would rather unlock every character and gear up some duds that focus on the squads they need to help us move to Heroic eventually.

We have a discord chat, but only about 18 members use it. We struggle with people not reading guild announcements, or even talking in general. My question is this: How do we weed out the "non-talkers" and rule breakers and bring in new members without totally gimping our ability to do the raids? I am not opposed to recruiting new members but do I risk hurting us in the short term and people getting fed up and moving on? We are trying to take this guild from casual to serious, but some of the members seem to just be in it for their own gain.

(Sorry for the long post)


  • TreeRex
    56 posts Member
    Post that if people break the 0 dmg rule, then they will be booted. Tell them send 1 toon, 0 dmg. Post it periodically leading up to the raid launch, and then right before launch. That first time, it's still going to happen. Write down all their names, and then call them out in a post. We do 2 strikes and you're out. Occasionally you'll still get someone who does an AOE by accident, do 1k or 5k, but overall, if you enforce the rules, people will follow.

    As for the other issue, try to keep them focused. Congratulate promotions/gear level notifications that meet your goals. Have folks post personal records. Etc. If you're really wanting to move that way, and others don't follow...unfortunately, got to boot. Tell people in advance that's the direction, and I imagine many will follow.

    Best of luck!
  • Options
    Went through this exact problem in our guild.

    They key is that you HAVE to replace those people if you are going to progress.

    We did it one at a time. When we were full we would boot one or two people and then see who joined or we could recruit. In order to do heroic AAT you must have the coordination through discord (we use line). So once we got to 50 active people. I started replacing anyone that broke raid rules one at a time.

    You just have to do it slowely so that you dont lose out on the raid ticket contribution.

    Following that we replaced everyone that would not join line/discord. one at a time. Great thing about it is that you can coordinate all of this in line/discord without them knowing whats going on. You let people stay as long as they are getting daily tickets until you find someone who will get tickets AND follow the rules.

    We are now at line mandatory. 600 tickets mandatory. with people who all follow the rules.

    Still a little ways from heroic AAT in our guild but we are real close. And now we have the ability to coordinate enough to get it done.

    Make sense?
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