Yoda as a Jedi leader?

39 posts Member
edited April 2017
Is Yoda leader worth it? Without Zeta, he's ineffective versus Vader and Palpatine leaders.

I'm currently running Ima Gun Di leader with Yoda, Bariss, Kit and Aayla. Bariss was my first Zeta.

In a day or two I will have enough for my second Zeta.

I can't decide between which Yoda Zeta to get first.

Do I get his leader Zeta and make him in charge, removing Ima Gun Di, to counter Sith teams?

Or do I get his battle meditation Zeta next and keep Ima Gun Di as leader?

What would you do?
Post edited by dogtrainerca on


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    100% Zeta qgj. Without it, you won't stand a chance at the top of arena with Jedi.
  • GA_Phoenix
    368 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    QGJ should get that second Zeta.

    Put him in the Lead. Your third Zeta should go into Yodas Battle Meditation. The green imp mus be really fast (240 Speed min)

    In my leaderbord there is an very effective and superfast moddet Jediteam holding Rank in the Top 10/20

    zQGJ (L), Zoda, Zarris, GK and Anakin. Its a pain in the a... to fight them. ^^
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    100% Zeta qgj. Without it, you won't stand a chance at the top of arena with Jedi.

    Do you run speed mods on your other Jedi to increase the bonus? I'm worried that if I get QGJ that I will need to farm more speed mods. My Aayla has defense and crit mods that give bonus to her crit chance and potency for stun. Zariss has six HP mods for her bonus, but I like the idea of adding speed to her to heal more as well.

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    GA_Phoenix wrote: »
    QGJ should get that second Zeta.

    How does the QGJ team do against Zader and Zaul teams?

  • Options
    GA_Phoenix wrote: »
    QGJ should get that second Zeta.

    How does the QGJ team do against Zader and Zaul teams?
    Eats them alive if you have decent mods.
    100% Zeta qgj. Without it, you won't stand a chance at the top of arena with Jedi.

    Do you run speed mods on your other Jedi to increase the bonus? I'm worried that if I get QGJ that I will need to farm more speed mods. My Aayla has defense and crit mods that give bonus to her crit chance and potency for stun. Zariss has six HP mods for her bonus, but I like the idea of adding speed to her to heal more as well.
    I don't run a Jedi comp, but yeah, you'll need them to be fast as possible. Just keep buying all mods for credits that start that start with a speed secondary from mod shipments. Eventually you'll get some that bump into double figures.
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