Ships - What's the best Biggs/target lock team?

281 posts Member
A good strategy I find includes Biggs, and then a bunch of ships that inflict target lock, so Biggs constantly recovers protection. I'm currently working towards this team:

Ackbar (capital ship)
Biggs' X-wing
Jedi Consular's starfighter
TIE fighter
FO TIE fighter
Slave I

The latter three ships seems to be the ones inflicting target lock most consistently. JC's ship is nice because it starts with an assist, so it can indirectly inflict TL, and the assist gains tons of protection up, especially with Ackbar's capital ship. But perhaps there are better options. I'm also looking at Mace's capital ship and it seems like it might be a better option than Ackbar for this strategy. What do you guys think?


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    I like ahsoka in instead of consular to clear out taunts and do pretty consistent damage. The evade up on target locks is nice too.

    I'd also recommend fives, scimitar, and sun fac coming in off the bench.
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    If you throw Sun Fac in and have a Scimitar benched, more often than not he will stealth everyone and throw retribution on Sun Fac. Tarhet locks everyone.
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    Don't forget Vader's Tie Advanced, unavoidable target lock on every attack, also if they are already target locked he can dispel too
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    I'd definitely roll with 5s. His secondary will target lock, hit anyone else that has target lock. and then he can cleanse enemy buffs that are hit with his basic. Enemy has to be target locked. Plus his ability to inflict offense and defense down is super handy to have out the gate. Plus his tank stats will make him much harder to knock out if anyone decide to focus fire on him, leaving them open to get messed up by your heavy hitters. And if they don't take him out quick, now they're risking him dropping everyone's offense and defense.
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    I like ahsoka in instead of consular to clear out taunts and do pretty consistent damage. The evade up on target locks is nice too.

    I really like her ship too. She's one of my reinforcements, so I can select her if a debuff is needed.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    If you throw Sun Fac in and have a Scimitar benched, more often than not he will stealth everyone and throw retribution on Sun Fac. Tarhet locks everyone.

    That's a neat trick! Luckily I have 7-starred Sun Fac's ship, and am working on Schimitar, so I will give it a go within long.
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    RayRay16 wrote: »
    Don't forget Vader's Tie Advanced, unavoidable target lock on every attack, also if they are already target locked he can dispel too

    His ship must indeed be great when you're attacking in the arena, but my big problem with the ship is the AI. It starts off with his "I have you now" ability, and I always find it easy to take him out before he starts target locking anyone. In fact, I don't think I've ever been target locked by him before.
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    I'd definitely roll with 5s. His secondary will target lock, hit anyone else that has target lock. and then he can cleanse enemy buffs that are hit with his basic. Enemy has to be target locked. Plus his ability to inflict offense and defense down is super handy to have out the gate. Plus his tank stats will make him much harder to knock out if anyone decide to focus fire on him, leaving them open to get messed up by your heavy hitters. And if they don't take him out quick, now they're risking him dropping everyone's offense and defense.

    Indeed! He has a nice and tanky ship, and I buy blueprints every time I get them in GW shipments. I don't find that he applies target lock very often when I encounter him though. But with his other abilities, he is indeed a difficult opponent.
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    I'd replace jc with Rex, has one of the best ships(heals, TLs, TMR).
    Come to think of it, looking at your line up again, I'd replace JC with fives and have rex be your first reinforcement. The reason for this is, fives packs more of a punch, and rex has someone to heal(usually) when he comes to battle.

    Past that your solid for your line up.

    I use a maxed SF as a back up tank. I've tried the SF/Scimitar tactic many times, and it rarely worked. Mainly, because so many of the teams have a dispeller, but I found it lack-luster when it did work. By the time someone on your team has died the battle is usually well on it's way to being over. When ever I had the Scimitar in reserve on my team I would drop rank considerably(mind you my maul is only g8 or 9).

    Also, you should definitely switch to Mace's capital ship. Way more fun than Ackbar's, and his kit is awesome. He shines when you can use his AOE back to back, which requires TL'd enemies. I still use it even if I can't refresh it's cool down; then you can either attach with his basic(which could TL, giving Biggs protection), or use his special giving biggs protection, taunt, and crit immunity.
    Mace is the Target Lock king.

  • Tifer
    130 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    My starting squad is biggs, fotp, tfp, 5s and geo soldier. Fotp goes first in every battle and has a great chance to TL. That slaps taunt on biggs. Biggs can now use his special to call an assist. The only bad assist is 5s. Everyone else is a big help.

    I have jc as my first bench ship. His ability to select ally to assist as well as protection up gets fotp rocking the turn meter gain.

    On great rounds, I can beat teams with 15k more power without losing a single ship.
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