Ships: Mace or Ackbar for target lock team?

What would you recommend? And why? I've heard both are good.

I have Bobas ship, two tie fighters, fives ship, Biggs ship, Ashokas ship and Jedi Consulars ship


  • rawman
    685 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I even heard Tarkin would be good for target lock team. Can't confirm from my experience on my shard though.
  • Options
    I ever run ackbar with a lot of target lock ships with great sugest (top 10 in a old shard without paying a lot of attention to ships)...
    U could try ackbar on ofense and mace in defense, ackbar works well giving this extra protection on assist (great with maul ship), but mace seems more anoying on defense xD
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