Starter toon

2 posts Member
edited April 2017
Is Jyn Erso at 4 stars a good starter character or should I keep trying for Wedge?


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    Honestly you should try to get 2 dark siders with the crystals because of sabine and rook you don't need any more LS heroes to start out. You should be able to arena successfully early on if you know what you're doing regardless of your starting rolls though. Best case scenario you catch 3 heroes - 2 good crystal drops and the rare magnaguard/biggs bronzium first pull. I rolled a lando leia and magna guard on one account but i was placed 18k and gave it up =(. Personal goal for new reroll is 2 strong dark siders (hopefully arena viable) out of my crystals since light side should be easy enough with the early access heroes you get given to you. Probably farming Lando right after i unlock GS for arena.... depends on the team comp I can put together though because getting the right assist can carry your arena team early on. GS/Lando is a tough decision for me right now.
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