Mortalis is recruiting for HAAT - merger not excluded!

9 posts Member
edited April 2017

About us

Chilled group of people that like banter and helping each other out. Some of us come from HAAT guilds and wanted to help out others that were having difficulty passing the threshold! We would be happy to help by lending you our General Kenobis to help you clear the 9-B and C Light side battles.
We recently attempted HAAT and almost cleared it with a roster of 40/50 (30% left in P4 when we abandoned it)
We are not against a merger, however due to past experiences, clear discussions need to be made beforehand!

What we are looking for?

- Someone that likes a chat and would be happy to join our discord server.
- Decent HAAT teams (rebels, droids, palpatine...)
- Active daily (trying to get 600 contributions every day)

Raid and guild reset times
- Heroic Rancor raid start: 9pm BST (3pm CT, 4pm EST, 8pm GMT, 10pm CET) - 24hour 0 damage
- HAAT raid start: 9pm BST (3pm CT, 4pm EST, 8pm GMT, 10pm CET) - Free for all
- Guild reset: 7:30 BST (1:30 CT, 2:30 pm EST, 6:30 pm GMT, 8:30 CET)

Contact us
Feel free to contact me on here with your roster!
Otherwise, I am on discord (Vardnas #8703) and on Line (vardnas)

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