Big thank you

152 posts Member
edited April 2017
I'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say thanks for spending the day sorting out the issues with the update, and an even bigger thanks for the 500 crystals and the Omega matt.

Looking forward to the double cantina drops! :)


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    This event is great. I had fun doing it and getting to try out the high level Phoenix characters was a nice surprise :)

    Double drops on the cantina and a great event, this weekend is going to be a good one.

    Keep up the good work B)
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    First post, thanks for the hard work.
    Chained since '16
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    Indeed. Big thanks for the devs and team for the hard work! @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Kozispoon and team :blush: we love you all! Let's celebrate!
    My favorite characters Empire - Sith
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    Big thanks indeed! :smiley:
    This is a signature.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    Indeed! Specially because i haven't faced any of the issues and had no problems at all! 500 crystals! :smiley:
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    Event was awesome! Especially loved using the fully levelled Phoenix team, that was legit!
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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    Awesome job the event and now my kylo is 7 to the next toon to farm
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    This event is great. I had fun doing it and getting to try out the high level Phoenix characters was a nice surprise :)

    Double drops on the cantina and a great event, this weekend is going to be a good one.

    Keep up the good work B)

    I am surprised to find I totally agree.. and apologize for thinking the worst! I am very sorry, I will begin my celebration as soon as I can get my foot out of my mouth..

    I will have a lot more patience in the future, nice work! Thank you!
  • kerwyn
    144 posts Member
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Agreed. Really fun events and double drops are great as well. Thanks for burning the midnight oil and making it happen today. Great work! Great communication and great gifs. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Good stuff guys, keep up the excellent work
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    Finally, something works in the Future for once ! Thanks for fixing the issue and, most of all the double-drop weekend! Have a nice celebration!
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    Gamezealot wrote: »
    I'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say thanks for spending the day sorting out the issues with the update, and an even bigger thanks for the 500 crystals and the Omega matt.

    Looking forward to the double cantina drops! :)

    Yes. Thanks for the extra crystals and the double drops. Love it!
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    SwiftMooky wrote: »
    Event was awesome! Especially loved using the fully levelled Phoenix team, that was legit!

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    Gamezealot wrote: »
    I'm sure I can speak for most of us when I say thanks for spending the day sorting out the issues with the update, and an even bigger thanks for the 500 crystals and the Omega matt.

    Looking forward to the double cantina drops! :)

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    Very rarely post but I thought I would to say "thanks for the hard work!"
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Thanks for sorting out the issue, and getting the event up an running. It was worth the wait.

    I love that I was able to do the event without sinking huge resources into Phoenix squadron. I would love to get them all eventually, but I have to be stingy about putting gear/credits into toons I can't farm now. I did all the earlier events, and had all the shards, but I hadn't unlocked any of them. 6 characters is a formidable project to level up.

    I was going to skip this event to save resources until a guild mate told me it was doable with minimal investment. This was a VERY player friendly format. You even gave us the opportunity to play around with the maxed out version against some worthy opponents. Great work. Loved it. Also love the double drops.

    Now, if we could just get a second hard node for Baze then it would be the best celebration ever.
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    Agreed. I truly enjoyed the event. Playing with a fully maxed out team was very satisfying. It's one of the first events that I haven't just auto'd my way through. The mix of troops and ships was nice. I look forward to a similar raid style. I'm glad I set aside some money for the double drops this weekend as well. Here take my money!
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    @EA_Jesse tell the SWGOH producer I said thanks for the video at the celebration he made for Klocko, and that he is a jagoff anat too! Lol
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    Loved the event. Glad I didn't have to max out Phoenix squad, difficulty was perfect. Trying the 85 maxed squad was super fun too. Thanks!
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    Thank you devs!
    I don't mind the event being postponed 1 day and loved the free stuff :)
    The new toon release system is good too, and thanks for listening and letting us test the toons too!
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    Weltall wrote: »
    Finally, something works in the Future for once ! Thanks for fixing the issue and, most of all the double-drop weekend! Have a nice celebration!

    Is that from space balls?
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