We need your Help..Looking to add 12 Active Players.

We are currently at 38/50. Looking to add Active players. We would like to continue to get players
Lvl80 and above, as we are doing T7 raids.

We only have 2 major rules:
1. STAY ACTIVE (removed if inactive for 3 days)
2. Follow Raid Rules

On the Heroic Rancor Raid we use the Method of Sacrificing one 7* character day one of the Raid, so that you are guaranteed rewards and Han Solo Shards. Then Day 2 after Raid Activity reset It's a FFA.

We need to add Active players to be able to complete the Heroic Tank Raid. Most of us have Han Solo maxed. We need Kenobi. Please help us.

We are Active on chat (we would hope you will be too) doesn't have to be LINE (even though most of us use) but just chat. we help when we can, and we ask for advice, when we don't know something. Share what works for each person in each situation. Overall just be helpful.

You don't have to be a p2p player, we are just looking for people that are Active everyday. Which means contribute 600 guild currency every day. We want to Raid as often as possible.

Thanks for looking at the post and I hope to hear from you soon.

My ally code NDIRISHFAN 877-774-558
Line ID..ndirishfan
Guild name... Inglorious nerfhearders


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