Borrow A Hero Help

Hi is anyone available to be added as an ally who's got some of the top characters maxed out?
I'm getting no where near in the cantina 8 battles, or any of the light and darkside 9 battles
I'm desperate to try and level up my baze and shore trooper but I can't touch the team they're too strong.

I've even tried using someone's 5* general Kenobi and still got destroyed.

Please help
Train Yourself To Let Go Of Everything You Fear To Lose - Yoda.


  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    I've checked your roster and it's not deep enough for 9 hard nodes, even with a borrowed heroe. Either you gear up your rebels or try to put a zeta on QGJ and borrow GK.

    9 light hard nodes were for me easy with zQGJ and a borrowed GK. For dark nodes, you have EP but miss a geared tank. So, work on your gears first.
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