Best squad around Wedge Leader?

I got my Wedge up to 5 stars now that is double cantina weekend. I want to build a strong arena team around Wedge. Right now my team is Wedge (L) Biggs, Lando, ST Han, and ****. Is there anyone else I should use in place of someone? I noticed a few people on my shard with this same exact team.


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    Bo Fett
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    Team is strong. Could suggest swapping Boba for Cassian (tenacity up at start for Han) or Chirrut (cleanse and heal). These are all situational. Ideally you want Baze and Chirrut in place of Han and Boba, but you have a decent team without those two.
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    Just look in the top of your shard, use the same team as almost everyone is using and hope/ make sure that your rebels are faster than theirs.
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    QGJ is a jack of al trades you could pop in for the last slot. He can remove buffs, call assists, heal and manipulate TM. EP can be useful mainly for his stuns, but also to apply shock to prevent healing and his own heal skill will apply offence up in preperation for Biggs assit call and Landos AoE. Admiral Ackbar could be added to cleanse(with a bit of a heal) and give Lando a doulbe AoE right off the bat. Chirrut, Cassian, Baze are all great choices as well if available.
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    I have the exact same team, lol. I got all of mine to 7* and now im working towards first order
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