Looking for a Heroic Guild! Will do 600/600!

I'm looking for a Heroic ONLY Guild! I'm currently a lvl 80, but I play the game everyday so I will definitely reach 85 pretty quick! Will contribute 600/600 (or near that) if necessary or not necessary! If you are Recruiting please let me know by messaging me on here or on Line or Discord

Line- gabrielbrazil10
Discord- GabrielBrazil


  • catharsis
    148 posts Member
    I have a few spots for a heroic guild you can add me from line then I can help you out
    ID: catharsis-leader
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    catharsis wrote: »
    I have a few spots for a heroic guild you can add me from line then I can help you out
    ID: catharsis-leader

    Man he posted on April 17th, by that time he might have created his own guild!

    On a side note: you can always private message those players.
    Cheers :)
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