T5/T6 Guild looking for a few active members

28 posts Member
edited May 2017
fieldgulls is looking for around 10 active members. We are finishing T5 raids quickly and need active members who contribute 600 daily raid tickets. We are a fun and laid back guild and help with guild donations.

Send me an ally request for an invite

Post edited by RedMosquito44 on


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    Still looking. We have quite a few lvl 80+ members and are finishing AAT in about a week. Looking for more active members to help with raid tickets.
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    Still hoping to add a few active members
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    Are you close to 6?
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    With the level 85s that we have, we could do heroic but we are still helping level our members. Tier 5 has the best gear drops for everyone. I imagine we will add tier 6 to the rotation soon. Probably rotate between 5 and 6 in the very near future.
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    How many guys participate in raids?
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    How many guys participate in raids?

    Right now we are at 39/50 and about 31 have participated in the last 2 raids.
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    Eastern time zone?
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    Eastern time zone?

    Raids reset at 4am EST
    Guild activities reset at 10:30 EST
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    Added a couple new members. Still have room for more. We are getting around 15,000 raid tickets a day. Going to start a T5 raid in 2 days so come join us.

    Message me or send me an ally request

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    Our smaller guild merged with Field Gulls, and it's been great! Very supportive guild with gear donations, advice on playing and tons of raids! If you guys are hesitant about merging, don't be! It's great decision!
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    With the level 85s that we have, we could do heroic but we are still helping level our members. Tier 5 has the best gear drops for everyone. I imagine we will add tier 6 to the rotation soon. Probably rotate between 5 and 6 in the very near future.

    I beg your pardon, but rewards are better the higher the tier. So long as they have a 6* or 7*, you really should be doing higher tiered raids, it will bring more credits, guild currency and gear. ;-)
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    Yes, but there are a handful of guild members who don't have 6 or 7* toons, so we try to be as democratic as possible to help them out too. That's why we rotate raids. We're helping to quickly build up those lower lvl players though through gear donations and making sure they get into the raids and qualify for rewards before we demolish the rancor. We look out for all our guild members. :)
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    Good spirit ! I wish you success !
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    We are now at 40/50 and we are doing our first T6 tonight. If you are interested in joining our guild, send me a message or an ally request.
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    We are now at 41/50 and we will be doing a T6 raid in a couple days. Send me a pm for an invite.
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