Is this team still good in Arena? Getting my first zeta and willing to give it a go

Hi, guys! I'm here again to ask for you help.
First of all, that's my roster:
Just got to level 82 and almost getting my first zeta (I could buy the last 3 needed from shipments, but since I'll need some days to get Kylo to G10, I'll just get it from the challenges). I'm really thinking about giving it to Kylo, since my Sith aren't any good for Maul and Zader is good, but I don't have the Empire toons needed to support him as well. Does anyone have a different opinion on which toon should I zeta first?

Well, now for the main question: Atm I'm using Rex(L) with Wiggs, Boba and SF. It's an okay team (actually, I'm the only one using Rex in my shard, there are 2 Zaul and 2 Zaders and the rest are Rebels (Wiggs+Chaze+Taunt)) and I'm getting top 10 easily, but top 5 is hard to break. I saw this team on Smithie's video (beating Zaul teams) a month ago and I'm willing to give it a go (but keep I'm mind my only G11 will be Rex and STH, because I'm not 85 to get the attackers to G10):
Rex(L) + Zylo + Nihilus + Boba + STH
Do you guys think it's a good team? (and better than the one I'm using right now)

Regarding mods: I don't have great mods like Smithie does on his video, but I have okay mods for my shard (I have the 3rd or 4th fastest Boba and 3rd fastest Biggs), I just don't have the CD mods (that he uses on almost every toon). I'll be able to get Rex to 190 (his is 213), Kylo to 190 (his is 202) and DN not even close to his 223 speed, but my Boba and STH will be almost the same as his.

(And btw, I know my Nihilus is G1 and lvl1, but it'll take like a week to get him to G10, already have almost all of the gear needed)


  • Options
    Drop sthan for palp. Sthan would be rendered useless by most teams, so the only viable taunters on a Rex team are baze and gk. Of, course, you'll be exposed without at least one of the two, but the team will still do well on offence.
  • ctyc123
    328 posts Member
    No sthan, please start farming b2
  • ctyc123
    328 posts Member
    But your team would lack an effective taunter.
  • Options
    Drop sthan for palp. Sthan would be rendered useless by most teams, so the only viable taunters on a Rex team are baze and gk. Of, course, you'll be exposed without at least one of the two, but the team will still do well on offence.

    That's my main concern. Without taunts I'll be easy prey for a faster Boba that AB's me or a faster Biggs. Is SF a viable replacement?
    ctyc123 wrote: »
    No sthan, please start farming b2
    It'd take me 3 to 4 weeks to farm and gear B2 :neutral:

  • Options
    STHan remains a decent option. The issue is whether or not you can get him fast enough to go before he gets ability blocked on your shard.
  • MaTucci
    73 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    STHan remains a decent option. The issue is whether or not you can get him fast enough to go before he gets ability blocked on your shard.

    Smithie's actually uses one with really low speed (144) and I've seen other players do that too, because he gains a lot of TM from Rex's lead and Rex can cleanse if he gets ABed (of course, if Rex doesn't get ABed too), but it's meant to beat a specific team, not sure how it'd work overall
  • Options
    MaTucci wrote: »
    It'd take me 3 to 4 weeks to farm and gear B2 :neutral:

    As much as it is a pain to gear and 7* him, it's worth it.
  • Options
    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    MaTucci wrote: »
    It'd take me 3 to 4 weeks to farm and gear B2 :neutral:

    As much as it is a pain to gear and 7* him, it's worth it.

    Yes, I've heard that a lot, lol. As soon as I finish Kylo, I'll start to farm him in Cantina
  • Options
    Rex, Zylo, DN, Boba, and Sun Fac seems pretty good to me.
    Sun Fac is the best true free to play tank in my opinion. I use him, and my shardmates always curse him.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Sun Fac drives me crazy as the only non-Sith under a Maul lead. Everybody else is stealthed, and you are forced to attack a tank whose counter dispels your buffs. One by one, it's goodbye, tenacity, which is replaced with offense down for two turns. Meanwhile, he recovers 20% of his health for every buff he dispels. Irritating.
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    Sun Fac drives me crazy as the only non-Sith under a Maul lead. Everybody else is stealthed, and you are forced to attack a tank whose counter dispels your buffs. One by one, it's goodbye, tenacity, which is replaced with offense down for two turns. Meanwhile, he recovers 20% of his health for every buff he dispels. Irritating.

    I don't think he gets 20% health when he dispels and it's crit chance down, not offense down when he attacks out of turn... not that that makes him any less irritating.
  • Drazz127
    770 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    BrillO wrote: »
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    Sun Fac drives me crazy as the only non-Sith under a Maul lead. Everybody else is stealthed, and you are forced to attack a tank whose counter dispels your buffs. One by one, it's goodbye, tenacity, which is replaced with offense down for two turns. Meanwhile, he recovers 20% of his health for every buff he dispels. Irritating.

    I don't think he gets 20% health when he dispels and it's crit chance down, not offense down when he attacks out of turn... not that that makes him any less irritating.

    May want to actually check it if you're unsure. Because he does gain 20% health anytime he dispels.
    In addition he has 15% health steal.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    He can only hit one toon with offense down as part of his taunt.
  • BrillO
    320 posts Member
    Drazz127 wrote: »
    BrillO wrote: »
    dad2my3 wrote: »
    Sun Fac drives me crazy as the only non-Sith under a Maul lead. Everybody else is stealthed, and you are forced to attack a tank whose counter dispels your buffs. One by one, it's goodbye, tenacity, which is replaced with offense down for two turns. Meanwhile, he recovers 20% of his health for every buff he dispels. Irritating.

    I don't think he gets 20% health when he dispels and it's crit chance down, not offense down when he attacks out of turn... not that that makes him any less irritating.

    May want to actually check it if you're unsure. Because he does gain 20% health anytime he dispels.
    In addition he has 15% health steal.

    Ahh, right you are! I was thinking that was his other attack... but no, that one gets 25%
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