I am looking for a guild.

Lvl 85 40+ 7* toons, 20+ @G10.
I have been part of a successful guild since the start of guilds. I have been a major part, new recruit developer/babysitter, recruiter,top donator,etc for them the whole time. We now have created a 5th guild because of our growth. The need for Gen Kenobi/ Hans shards has been prioritized by my guild mates. I have become less active the past few weeks only putting up 400-500 tix a day and I am not up to my current guilds standards despite all that I have done in the past and have been moved to our lowest guild that will probably be doing T3 raids.
I don't care what level of guild I join, I do not NEED the above shards! I am looking for a laid back group the doesn't require 600tix/day. I would prefer a guild set up on discord & is doing something more than T3 raids. I will not do line app either.
Msg me direct here or message me on discord @ Maggots#3666 if interested


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