Hondo Ohnaka Character Proposal

For TL;DR just read his move set and if you have questions then jump to the "Move Set Explanation." Also compare to my character proposals of Jango Fett and Aurra Sing. Links are in the comments.

Hondo Ohnaka was a pirate/Scoundrel/Bounty Hunter and belonged to the Weequay race.

“Hondo Ohnaka led a notorious Outer Rim pirate gang from his headquarters on Florrum. A former colleague of Jango Fett and a former lover of Aurra Sing, Ohnaka won fame during the Clone Wars when he kidnapped Count Dooku, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker and tried to ransom all three for a big payout. Since that incident, he maintained a peculiar relationship with the Republic -- respecting the Jedi Knights, but not being above robbing them blind or betraying them. During the age of the Empire, Ohnaka found himself running a solo operation, but he continued scheming and dealing. He was, after all, a pirate through-and-through.” – StarWars.com

Hondo Ohnaka

Dark Side, Scoundrel, Bounty Hunter, Healer, Support

Power: 7,700 Health: 17,900 Speed: 122 Max Damage: 4800

Basic: Kowakian Distraction
Deal physical damage to target enemy and inflict any random negative and positive status effect (this excludes Stun and Taunt) for 1 turn. This attack has high damage variance. In addition, there is a 20% chance to call ally Aurra Sing to assist.

Special: Drinks All Around
Cooldown – 3
Dispel all negative status effects from all allies and inflict those same debuffs on each opposite adjacent enemy. For each effect dispelled this way, Scoundrel allies recover 12% of their Max Health and Bounty Hunter allies gain 8% turn meter.

Unique: Good Business
At the start of battle, Hondo grants each Scoundrel ally the “Pirate’s Scheme” ability. This cannot be dispelled and expires after 5 turns. In addition, after winning a battle, as long as Hondo Ohnaka participated, there will be double drop rewards.

(Pirate’s Scheme: Whenever a Scoundrel ally is Critically Hit, there is a 35% chance for each Scoundrel ally to gain Evasion Up for 2 turns. When the first Scoundrel ally is defeated, all Scoundrel allies gain Retribution for 2 turns and Offense Up for 3 turns. These buffs ignore Buff Immunity and Shock on the turn they are applied.)

Move Set Explanations:

Basic: Kowakian Distraction

I won’t go into the Ability Level Bonus on this because it should just be damage increases IMO, but the animation would be cool if his Kowakian Lizard-Monkey pet assisted him somehow when he shot his rifle blaster. I think the benefit of this can be a high attack rate and the potential assist from Aurra to possibly inflict Defense Down, but the detriment can be them getting a positive status effect like Foresight, Evasion Up, Tenacity Up, Heal Over Time etc. However, then again there is still that chance to get a good debuff like Stagger, Daze, Shock, Offense Down, etc. I think Stun would be too OP and Taunt can be too detrimental potentially and completely backfire. The reason for the Positive/Negative effect on Hondo is because he was kind of a good guy and a bad guy. He was never really on anyone’s side, even the Bounty Hunters, and helped both sides of the Jedi and Separatists to escape during the war. Plus, I think it fits his character and personality and can make him really fun by including his unpredictable move so everyone will want to get him – even if it’s just for the fun of it. And the chance to assist is much like Aayla Secura’s basic so it’s not OP to have an assist on a basic… especially with a smaller percentage to assist than that of Aayla’s.

Special: Drinks All Around

The original text reads: “Dispel all negative status effects from all allies. For each effect dispelled this way, Scoundrel allies recover 5% of their Max Health and Bounty Hunter allies gain 2% turn meter.”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +1% Heal
3 +2% turn meter
4 +2% Heal
5 +2% turn meter
6 +4% Heal
7 +2% turn meter
8 (Omega) Inflict those same debuffs on each opposite adjacent enemy.

This is similar to Admiral Ackbar’s special ability “It’s a Trap!” because it removes debuffs and heals the team. However, instead of applying Ackbar’s personal turn meter gain and having the healing effect work on any ally, this ability is only able to apply the health and turn meter gain to either Scoundrel or Bounty Hunter allies. So let’s say I have a team of Jango Fett lead with Boba, Aurra, Hondo, and Jedi Knight Anakin and they all have anywhere from 3-5 negative status effects on them. All effects would be removed, but everyone besides Anakin would actually recover health and/or turn meter.
I also included the Omega to be pretty extreme so that’s why you can’t just put Hondo in any random team or else it won’t be as effective. Let me explain the Omega a bit better. Now the characters spawn in a specific area on the battlefield depending on where they were in the “Select Squad” menu/screen place. The first spot is leader and then the rest of the spots don’t matter… but they kind of would in this situation with Hondo. I don’t know if enemies have a different programming with the numbering, but let’s say I have that same team I mentioned earlier but instead of Anakin I have Dengar just to give it more Bounty Hunter synergy. Let’s say I am facing a Zeta Darth Vader leader team with Palpatine, Shoretrooper, Royal Guard, and TIE Fighter Pilot. Darth Vader does his AoE and inflicts 3 Damage Over Time for 2 turns and Speed Down on all 5 of my characters. Now if I use Hondo’s “Drinks All Around” then all of the negative effects would dispel and be placed on their “opposite adjacent” enemies. So Jango’s negative effects are now placed on Vader, Boba’s is now on Palpatine, Aurra’s is now on Shoretrooper, Hondo’s is now on Royal Guard, and Dengar’s is now on TIE Fighter Pilot. After that, they would all recover health and turn meter and then it would be the next character’s turn.
(Side note: However, this was actually a special scenario because of Vader’s Zeta. So now Jango’s team would all get 3 Damage Over Time effects again, but the Speed Down would stay off. Does that make sense? Good. Also note that this could be effective in the HAAT raid and kind of the Rancor in some parts. Of course Shock and Stun wouldn’t apply, but you get the idea.

Different scenario: Now let’s say I had my 5 characters alive still and zVader’s team had everyone except for Shoretrooper because he was defeated, then Aurra’s effects would just disappear and they won’t be placed on anyone on the opposing team, but of course she would get the DoT’s again thanks to Vader’s Zeta.)

Unique: Good Business

The original text reads: “At the start of battle, Hondo grants each Scoundrel ally the “Pirate’s Scheme” ability. This cannot be dispelled and expires after 3 turns.
(Pirate’s Scheme: Whenever a Scoundrel ally is Critically Hit, there is a 20% chance for each Scoundrel ally to gain Evasion Up for 1 turn. When the first Scoundrel ally is defeated, all Scoundrel allies gain Retribution for 2 turns and Offense Up for 2 turns. These buffs ignore Buff Immunity and Shock on the turn they are applied.)”

Ability Level Bonus
2 +5% Bonus Effect Chance
3 Expiration Countdown + 1
4 +10% Bonus Effect Chance
5 Evasion Up Duration + 1
6 Expiration Countdown + 1
7 Offense Up Duration + 1
8 (Zeta) If Hondo Ohnaka participates in a battle, then there will be double drop rewards.

This is the money maker right here. People are gonna want to level him, gear him, and Zeta him so that they can use him in the Dark Side and Cantina battles to get double drops, even when you SIM, but he has to have been in the last line up on those battles. Keep in mind that he can NOT participate in Light Side battles obviously so he can’t help double drops on Shoretrooper, Baze Malbus, and Director Krennic shards, so EA/CG still keeps him away from farming them too fast. Plus, if they put Nihilus or the other two Sith released with him on the hard nodes of the Dark Side battles then he can help out with them. But as a starting player, perhaps it would be wise to invest that Zeta into Hondo to help with those double drops – in Cantina especially. Hondo was a pirate, and a darn good one at that! He deserves a cool unique and this sounds very suiting to me as he is a character that helps outside of the battles too. I think it would be very cool.

Well sorry for the long post, but I want to get my ideas out there and see what the devs and you forums think. Anything you could add or take away from this? Anything that I missed or misspoke so that I can correct it and educate myself? Thanks for your time.


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    You can also check them out on Gaming-Fans.com as well as my other character proposals like Mother Talzin, Droideka, General Pong Krell and many more to come. If you wanna see these characters in the game then leave a comment and promote this!
    564 posts Member
    Hondo is awesome
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    I like it. Always liked Hondo.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Im not crazy about how he was portrayed in Rebels. In Clone Wars, he was an ***hole, but his decisions always made sense. In Rebels he's just an ***hole to be an ***hole and makes poor decisions.
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    I like Hondo and this design is pretty good but I think your neglecting 2 details, his charisma and the monkey. He has high charisma to manipulate others to fight for him so maybe add something along the lines of counter when he gets attacked or bonus attacks, also that monkey had a mind of its own and therefore should have its own attack. Maybe something with thermal dentonaters! Just a thought
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    I like it but why 17,900 health if I may ask?
  • Star_Lord1718
    380 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I like it but why 17,900 health if I may ask?

    Thanks! I picture him as a high health healer. Kind of like Old Daka or Barriss Offee. Just because the BH don't have healers and it would be nice if they had a strong one.
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    CameronD wrote: »
    I like Hondo and this design is pretty good but I think your neglecting 2 details, his charisma and the monkey. He has high charisma to manipulate others to fight for him so maybe add something along the lines of counter when he gets attacked or bonus attacks, also that monkey had a mind of its own and therefore should have its own attack. Maybe something with thermal dentonaters! Just a thought

    Well... actually I did include those 2 things. His Basic attack is titled "Kowakian Distraction." Every thing I've found on the source is his pet monkey is officially called a "Kowakian Monkey-Lizard" according to StarWars.com and Wookieepedia. It's the same creature that Jabba the Hutt had in his palace in ROTJ. Anyways, in the "Move Set Explanation" I explain that the attack involves his blaster AND the monkey itself. That's where the high damage variance comes into play.
    As for his Charisma, I said that Aurra assists on his Basic (that covers your "Bonus attacks"), he grants all Scoundrel allies the Pirate's Scheme ability which gives Retribution (that covers your counter attack) and other buffs as well as healing everyone, cleansing, and granting turn meter on his Special. How much more charisma should there be? I guess I don't know what you're looking for so give me an example.
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    ABNRAS wrote: »
    Hondo is awesome
    I know! Hopefully they add him soon!
  • Options
    I like it. Always liked Hondo.

    Who doesn't like Hondo :P
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