8 days? Really?

228 posts Member
edited April 2017
I'm sure the team over at EA/CG have raw hands from so many high fives given to each other over their brilliance of releasing R2-D2 for May the 4th. One problem though - you gave us 8 days notice. What is that? I've got mostly 5* empire since much of my focus is my Sith arena squad and my Rebels for the Palp event - which is brilliantly scheduled AFTER the R2-D2 event for some unknown reason. Many people are waiting on the Palp event to 7* him and complete their Empire team.

Thank you so much devs. Really. You're all geniuses.
Post edited by Mageduckey on


  • Options
    Exactly what I said on another post and got slated. It's a joke. For yoda we had 28 days notice.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Exactly what I said on another post and got slated. It's a joke. For yoda we had 28 days notice.

    i'm pretty sure we didn't get 28 days notice the first time for the yoda event, or palp for that matter.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I remember the first yoda event and we definitely did
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    I remember that too. At any rate it was a hell of a lot more than 8 days.
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    I feel like this is a "gimme" for most players who've been at it awhile. Those who worked rebels got Palpatine, and most players with Palpatine built an Empire team. I need one more 7* Imperial, and I'll have one by next Thursday for sure. Same concept applied for Yoda and Palpatine. The event will be back. I sat on a 5* Yoda and a 6* Palpatine until they came around again. So this time you get 5* R2. Next time you'll get 7*.
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    It's not as bad as I'd feared.
    Empire is a solid faction, many people have Vader, Palpy, Tfp, RG or some other Empire toons ready.
    I really expected them to add a 5th Geonosian and make it Geos for R2 (because of that one movie scene).
    And suddenly we would have needed Geo Spy, Poggle and a new toon again.
    I'm glad it's just Empire.
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    Be grateful. When the palpatine event first came out we had something like 2 days to prepare.
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    I asked in another thread - is it confirmed or not that R2 will unlock at 5* with a 5* team to get him?
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    I wish they would postpone the event to after palp's. @CG_JohnSalera @CG_CapGaSP . U guys listening?
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    McBee wrote: »
    I'm sure the team over at EA/CG have raw hands from so many high fives given to each other over their brilliance of releasing R2-D2 for May the 4th. One problem though - you gave us 8 days notice. **** is that? I've got mostly 5* empire since much of my focus is my Sith arena squad and my Rebels for the Palp event - which is brilliantly scheduled AFTER the R2-D2 event for some unknown reason. Many people are waiting on the Palp event to 7* him and complete their Empire team.

    Thank you so much devs. Really. You're all geniuses.

    So you can unlock him at 5*, and you'll have to wait to get him 7*. So sad, I'm crying for you over here. I'll only be able to 6* him myself, but I didn't come to the forums to cry about how unfair it is. Grow up dude
  • Options
    This really isn't a big deal. The event will return in the future so work on what you need or if you're too impatient then pony up that cash!
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    Be grateful. When the palpatine event first came out we had something like 2 days to prepare.

    Yes, but they seem to be positioning this as the rarest of events - much more than palp or Yoda, which ces around about every 60 days. No telling when this one will hit again.

  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    I remember the first yoda event and we definitely did

    seeying the date you created your forum account, i'm guessing you didn't even play swgoh when the yoda event was live for the first time.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Actually guys if you keep up with the forum a empire event has been hinted for a while. Also you can't expect that every event that comes out will be to your accommodation. There are many many players that have been playing since 2015 like me that have been craving new difficult content and a event that would give me something to work for. When I first started playing many events that came out I couldn't participate first time around like the Yoda event
    , the military might event, Droids fight back event etc etc etc but as time past and I expanded my roster I was able to participate in almost every event without having to go all out into farming new toons for specific events. Point is some events you will be able to participate others you won't and thats gives you something to work towards
  • Guest
    518 posts Member
    Despite the fact you're just mean and you express your frustration, you might just be thankful for it. Plus, this is a returning event, so please be quiet and learn respect.
  • Options
    Hakalugy wrote: »
    This really isn't a big deal. The event will return in the future so work on what you need or if you're too impatient then pony up that cash!

    Yes if the palps event is anything to go by youll see it again in 6 months
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    McBee wrote: »
    I'm sure the team over at EA/CG have raw hands from so many high fives given to each other over their brilliance of releasing R2-D2 for May the 4th. One problem though - you gave us 8 days notice. **** is that? I've got mostly 5* empire since much of my focus is my Sith arena squad and my Rebels for the Palp event - which is brilliantly scheduled AFTER the R2-D2 event for some unknown reason. Many people are waiting on the Palp event to 7* him and complete their Empire team.

    Thank you so much devs. Really. You're all geniuses.

    So you can unlock him at 5*, and you'll have to wait to get him 7*. So sad, I'm crying for you over here. I'll only be able to 6* him myself, but I didn't come to the forums to cry about how unfair it is. Grow up dude

    Hey, bite me tough guy. All I'm asking for is a little more time to prepare. And it it would have made sense to schedule it after palp, or in conjunction with it.
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    It was a fine amount of time. The event will return and you can be prepared for it when it happens. If R2 is a good counter to Zaul, it may knock some of those players back down that shouldn't have been competitive anyway.

    I'm looking forward to maxing out R2 and trying him in arena day 1.
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    I want him now... I have 5 viable empire toons so I'd be cool if they pushed this event today.
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    Yeah, for the first Palpatine event there was about 2-3 days notice to prepare and even then, the notice just said "Get Your Rebels Ready." We didn't know what the reward was or what that even meant (i.e., star level or gear or abilities or simply toon unlocks, etc.).

    I read this post and actually thought, wow, this is great notice and I very much appreciate it. I am one toon short on decent gear and will use this week to get that last toon in shape. Hats off to @EA_Jesse for job well done here.
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    I wish it was open today, 8 days is far too long to wait :wink:
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    Guest wrote: »
    Despite the fact you're just mean and you express your frustration, you might just be thankful for it. Plus, this is a returning event, so please be quiet and learn respect.

    I'll never understand responses like this. Newsflash: the forums aren't exclusively for EA bootlickers to show up and gush over how wonderful every aspect of the game is. Obviously, I like it, or I wouldn't be playing it. This is a feedback and opinion forum. Sometimes opinions and feedback are less than positive.
  • AnnerDoon
    1353 posts Member
    Not every player got 7* Yoda when his event released. Not every player got 7* EP when his event released. Not every player will get R2 when his event is released. That's just the way it is.
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    My only concern is that the malfunctioning twerp isn't another gimic that proves useless. We get excited and then meh.. My advice, enjoy the iconic nature of R2, and don't get your hopes up. Remember Han as a Raid drop, etc.. No expectations, no disappointments.
  • McBee
    228 posts Member
    And when I wrote this, I wasn't aware you could unlock him with a 5* team. I've asked several times - has this been officially confirmed? If I can unlock him with my 5* empire, I'm fine with that.
  • CK_3030
    177 posts Member
    Having the R2 event before the Emperor's Demise is a slap in the face for players like myself, players who haven't been playing since the day the game first came out.

    I started playing last September after I: 1) had had enough of the nerfing garbage being done to Marvel's Contest of Champions which I had played for over a year, and 2) had also just found out about GoH.

    Needless to say, I had no idea about swgoh.gg or other helpful websites and I had no idea about "rare events" so when the Emperor's Demise in December rolled around I couldn't do it because I only knew about Yoda's event and wanted to get him to 7* (which I still didn't manage).

    Afterward I read here in the forums and elsewhere that EP's event was only once or twice a year, so while I put more effort into my Rebels, they weren't my main focus. So when EP rolled around again (of course unexpectedly, with only a few days to prepare [like the R2 event now for even newer players]), I only managed to get Palpatine to 6*s.

    If you click here on the link, you'll see that EP is going to be my 5th Empire toon with 7*s as soon as his next event gets here, but since his event comes after R2's, I'll only be able to get R2 to 6*s. I'm sure I'm not the only playing who is in this situation.

    As the title states, it would be nice to have earlier announcements so that your still relatively new players have more than 8 days to prepare for a rare event. Or better yet, have events that are somewhat connected lap over a day or two. /tirade
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    McBee wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Despite the fact you're just mean and you express your frustration, you might just be thankful for it. Plus, this is a returning event, so please be quiet and learn respect.

    I'll never understand responses like this. Newsflash: the forums aren't exclusively for EA bootlickers to show up and gush over how wonderful every aspect of the game is. Obviously, I like it, or I wouldn't be playing it. This is a feedback and opinion forum. Sometimes opinions and feedback are less than positive.

    you're just ranting, please don't act like you're giving precious, less than positive, feedback.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    McBee wrote: »
    And when I wrote this, I wasn't aware you could unlock him with a 5* team. I've asked several times - has this been officially confirmed? If I can unlock him with my 5* empire, I'm fine with that.

    Yes, this is confirmed. And this has been confirmed in tons of threads already.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    My question is can we use ANY empire team or their version of Empire?
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    It would have been smart for them to annouce this during or before double drops
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