Should i zeta savage or dn next for my sith arena team?

I have zeta maul, emperor palpatine, Vader, savage, darth nihlus. My team is slow, around 120s...i know thats pathetic. Zeta maul helped but I'm still not going first the majority of the time so i get debuffs on me a lot... hence why i think savage would be good. But dn has the move where it adds debuffs every opponent turn... that's money. What would you do?


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    I don't know, since you have a slow team but if I were in your shoes I'd zeta Savage. You have a Zeta Maul already so unless you zeta DN's unique (which is helpful but not a game changer IMO) if you zeta his lead it's kind of counterproductive since you run a zaul lead.
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    Savage. Also sub in sith assassin for Vader, load her up with as much speed as you can to partially compensate for the rest of the slowpokes.
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    You will not be disappointed putting a zeta on Savage.
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