$200 Chromium Cards - YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE IT!

I have free played for a while and gotten top rank at rewards mostly. So I thought I would give some money to these guys, trying to get Rey and/or maybe few QGJ shards if not. Gotten $100 of gems to open 6*8... you would not believe it!
"Full characters" like IG86, shards of Guardian, Chewbacca, Clone Sergeant. I was shocked, so I bought another $100 of Chromium Cards just to make this post, and make sure it wasn't a fluke. IT WASN'T!
Useless junk, 10 QGJ shards 20 Leia shards for $200. I went to transfer pictures to computer to post them here and unfortunately 'restored' previous iPad and deleted all of them (if you know how to restore lost pictures, please PM or post here).
Not a new player here. I was under the impression that Chromiums were heavy on Leia, QGJ shards, and such. This drop, in my opinion, is not random. 100 cards pulled. The following picture is not mine, as I lost the data and will post it as soon as it is restored, however my worst pack was something similar and ONLY IG86 http://imgur.com/a/vw8G3 :)
It is not that I am disappointed, it is that I want to share this information and hear what people have to say.
(moderators, please do not delete this post as you did last time I have posted it)


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