NOGHRI - Looking for some peeps! (T7 Rancor - T6AAT (T7 Soon!)

1 posts Member
edited May 2017

We are a small but growing guild that is steadily clearing T7 Rancor and working towards T7 AAT.

We are looking for active members that want to be a part of our growing guild.

Don't sweat it if you're not level 85 or don't have a bunch of 7*s. We need active people who want to be a part of something bigger.

Again, you must be active! Your goal is to earn tickets till you get your raiding legs!

Discord required (please friend request Surv#0521 for an invite to our Discord server.)

Join NOHGRI today!

May the Force be with you!
Post edited by Bailrut on


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