Excess Shards Above Requirement for 7 Stars

My Cad Bane is 6 stars and I had the required 100 shards to upgrade him to 7 stars, but not the 1 million credits. Over the past few days I have bought chromium packs and received ALOT of Cad shards - 165 more of them! What happens to excess shards once a character is upgraded to 7 stars? Is credit given toward the purchase of other uncollected characters?


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    Currently nothing happens to those excess shards. But I did read that they are thinking of ways to deal with that so I don't know if they're currently being stored in your inventory for later use or anything like that.

    For your sake I hope they are because 165 extra shards of Cad Bane is insane!
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    Slushie wrote: »
    For your sake I hope they are because 165 extra shards of Cad Bane is insane!
    And utterly useless unless I can use multiple Cads. But even if I could, I don't think I would!
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    Hopefully they implement a system that lets you exchange excess shards for another character.
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