Loot Box Odds Law Begins May 1st: Will it affect SWGOH?



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    I'm still impressed with the game companies who were already publishing the info, even prior to the China law. It goes to show you what kind of culture they portray and follow. It tells me they don't rely on dupe and confusing tactics to earn a great profit.

    Absolutely 100% agree.
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    They will probably just stop selling RNG based packs in China so we don't see the real percentages.

    This would be a real problem for the game. The arena shards are not separate so Chinese players are mixed with other countries players right? So this would be an advantage to one group and not the other. Big problems, so I don't think this will be what happens considering the market size.

    Bottom line from here is I want to see what they come up with. Hopefully the OP posts the data for us all to contemplate.
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    someone tag the devs on this
  • leef
    13458 posts Member

    This would be a real problem for the game. The arena shards are not separate so Chinese players are mixed with other countries players right? So this would be an advantage to one group and not the other. Big problems, so I don't think this will be what happens considering the market size.

    The game already isn't "fair" as far as regions go. Crystals and packs don't cost the same amount of money (converted to USD) at this very moment. Crystals in for example Brazil and the Ukraine used to be way, and i mean way cheaper than they were in other parts of the world. They changed those pricess a while back though, i read something like a 200% price increase from members on this forum. Australia has been paying significantly more than the rest of the world for the same amount of crystals/packs.
    Knowing this, i don't see any reason why they wouldn't just offer better packs in china than in the rest of the world.
    soon we might get 3 catagories of players; f2p, p2p and chineze xD
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    leef wrote: »

    This would be a real problem for the game. The arena shards are not separate so Chinese players are mixed with other countries players right? So this would be an advantage to one group and not the other. Big problems, so I don't think this will be what happens considering the market size.

    The game already isn't "fair" as far as regions go. Crystals and packs don't cost the same amount of money (converted to USD) at this very moment. Crystals in for example Brazil and the Ukraine used to be way, and i mean way cheaper than they were in other parts of the world. They changed those pricess a while back though, i read something like a 200% price increase from members on this forum. Australia has been paying significantly more than the rest of the world for the same amount of crystals/packs.
    Knowing this, i don't see any reason why they wouldn't just offer better packs in china than in the rest of the world.
    soon we might get 3 catagories of players; f2p, p2p and chineze xD

    @leef I wasn't aware of this. I was under the impression that the conversion rates might be a little "off", but not to the point of giving a clear advantage to one side or the other. Can you post some examples or can someone else testify?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    leef wrote: »

    This would be a real problem for the game. The arena shards are not separate so Chinese players are mixed with other countries players right? So this would be an advantage to one group and not the other. Big problems, so I don't think this will be what happens considering the market size.

    The game already isn't "fair" as far as regions go. Crystals and packs don't cost the same amount of money (converted to USD) at this very moment. Crystals in for example Brazil and the Ukraine used to be way, and i mean way cheaper than they were in other parts of the world. They changed those pricess a while back though, i read something like a 200% price increase from members on this forum. Australia has been paying significantly more than the rest of the world for the same amount of crystals/packs.
    Knowing this, i don't see any reason why they wouldn't just offer better packs in china than in the rest of the world.
    soon we might get 3 catagories of players; f2p, p2p and chineze xD

    @leef I wasn't aware of this. I was under the impression that the conversion rates might be a little "off", but not to the point of giving a clear advantage to one side or the other. Can you post some examples or can someone else testify?

    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I'm still impressed with the game companies who were already publishing the info, even prior to the China law. It goes to show you what kind of culture they portray and follow. It tells me they don't rely on dupe and confusing tactics to earn a great profit.

    Absolutely 100% agree.
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    They will probably just stop selling RNG based packs in China so we don't see the real percentages.

    This would be a real problem for the game. The arena shards are not separate so Chinese players are mixed with other countries players right? So this would be an advantage to one group and not the other. Big problems, so I don't think this will be what happens considering the market size.

    Bottom line from here is I want to see what they come up with. Hopefully the OP posts the data for us all to contemplate.

    It's already heavily unfair for everyone not in certain countries, some get exclusive packs already that are either amazing value, give them a unique boost/head start, or both


    ^what even, same price the citadel pack was for possibly an entire character

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    I hope you don't think anything has to be fair in this game. IF one of their markets is under performing, you will make incentives in that market to boost sales. EA is diversified, but SW-GOH has one product -- so all they can do is offer it in better amounts and quantities. They'd offer character exclusives too, if it wasn't going to vreate a K2S) level flame war...

    RE: China, don't know how it will affect us. But with the Disney label on the game, you can be assured this little side project will provide full and honest disclosure to one of Disney's biggest markets. 0 **** will be given. This is CG/EA/Disney, NOT United Airlines!
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I hope you don't think anything has to be fair in this game. IF one of their markets is under performing, you will make incentives in that market to boost sales. EA is diversified, but SW-GOH has one product -- so all they can do is offer it in better amounts and quantities. They'd offer character exclusives too, if it wasn't going to vreate a K2S) level flame war...

    RE: China, don't know how it will affect us. But with the Disney label on the game, you can be assured this little side project will provide full and honest disclosure to one of Disney's biggest markets. 0 **** will be given. This is CG/EA/Disney, NOT United Airlines!

    So if I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that Disney will make sure that EA/CG will provide full and honest disclosure now?

    If Disney felt so strongly about the Star Wars brand, why want this done before though?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Ig88isboss
    1752 posts Member
    Will be likely ea gives China better packs with higher odds so they get 'leaked' to show how 'good' the odds are. You really think they will be honest about it. This is ea. :lol:
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I hope you don't think anything has to be fair in this game. IF one of their markets is under performing, you will make incentives in that market to boost sales. EA is diversified, but SW-GOH has one product -- so all they can do is offer it in better amounts and quantities. They'd offer character exclusives too, if it wasn't going to vreate a K2S) level flame war...

    RE: China, don't know how it will affect us. But with the Disney label on the game, you can be assured this little side project will provide full and honest disclosure to one of Disney's biggest markets. 0 **** will be given. This is CG/EA/Disney, NOT United Airlines!

    So if I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that Disney will make sure that EA/CG will provide full and honest disclosure now?

    If Disney felt so strongly about the Star Wars brand, why want this done before though?
    Because now it can become a massive bad PR for Disney
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • Ig88isboss
    1752 posts Member
    They'll do exactly like what they did with Japan. This has been a law in Japan for a while now.... Have guys never wondered why they get different packs?
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    I hope you don't think anything has to be fair in this game. IF one of their markets is under performing, you will make incentives in that market to boost sales. EA is diversified, but SW-GOH has one product -- so all they can do is offer it in better amounts and quantities. They'd offer character exclusives too, if it wasn't going to vreate a K2S) level flame war...

    RE: China, don't know how it will affect us. But with the Disney label on the game, you can be assured this little side project will provide full and honest disclosure to one of Disney's biggest markets. 0 **** will be given. This is CG/EA/Disney, NOT United Airlines!

    Star Wars is a very slow market in China and many parts of Asia. From here:

    Star Wars History is Shorter in China

    Notably, the first Star Wars film (Episode 4: The New Hope) was released in 1977, one year after the death of Chairman Mao and the end of the Cultural Revolution. No foreign entertainment was imported into China at that time. 1977 was therefore not a banner year for movies in China to say the least. The first Star Wars film to be released in China was Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, and this was in 1999. China’s box office gained popularity as late as 2009, and, in fact, until The Force Awakens there have been no Star Wars releases since 2009. Many Star Wars franchise fans worldwide were children in the 1970s and 1980s, but in China today’s primary movie-going audience was born between the years of 1985-1999. Therefore, the powerful nostalgia factor that the most recent Star Wars movie has going for it in North America is lost on most Asian movie viewers.
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    Nothing on the official website yet. Have they created a dedicated site to display the odds that anyone can find?
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    I do. That brand is worth more then the assembled assets. Disney messed up on a verb form in japanese turning birthday into death day and they fell over effing backwards to fix. They're the thousand pound guerilla that thrashes around the 800 pounders...

    RE: Star Wars in Disney - I'm sure. Further more, and don't quote me exactly here, but I believe China only allows in some 54 movies from outside of China a year. Cartoons are more acceptable, but 'realistic' Fantasy/Sci-fi movies have additional hurdles to jump and are unlikely to make it through state run reviewers.

    Disney itself, not Starwars, would have the issues with any degradation of something it's brand by one of it's many cephalapoidal appendages...

    And why now? Focus. Apple is another one. Think they gave a cent for the Asian work force making their devices until it became politicized?

    TBH - I thought the change to these games would come (and may still) from Fantasy Sport gambling and online slot machines. It becomes a political thing in New Jersey and New york and will likely spread. As these games and their processes get pulled out of the wilderness and away from the wild west they begin to get the attention of lawmakers, the media, and people - and then rules come after. And sorry, everyone here knows a refresh of energy and simming with 240 energy is basically pulling a slot machine lever. The china thing might just be fuel added to a fire already building up around micro-transactions and randomized rewards from games of any variety.
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    I'm pretty surprised the game does as well financially as it does (and it's great that it does! it's a great game and the grind of being F2P is highly rewarding).

    I don't know many people that gamble regularly without knowing the odds. After playing for just a few months, it seems pretty clear that a server somewhere is determining what the RNG outcome of a particular match / sim is, and if it's anything like the police where I live, they're very aware of when it's the end of the month and numbers need a bit of a boost with some added revenue.

    Agree with @PremierVenoth that the tide is changing and legislation will catch up to the industry sooner rather than later.

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