New Idea for Capital Ship

197 posts Member
edited April 2017
At the moment, we only have three Capital Ships (Home One, Executrix, and Mace Windu's republic cruiser). That doesn't leave a lot of variety in opponents and leaves a remarkably strong chance that in a PVP match any player is going to be up against themselves. A few more choices probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

I recently brought this up in another topic but thought I'd mention it here as well. I had an idea for an iconic ship to be introduced as a new capital ship: the Tantive IV.

You probably remember this classic ship from the opening moments of A New Hope, not to mention the final moments of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It didn't have a huge amount of screentime but it would ultimately play a crucial role in the Galactic Civil War. This was the ship that managed to escape Scarif with the plans for the Death Star and got them to Tattooine, allowing R2-D2 to successfully deliver them to Obi-Wan thus setting in motion the events that ultimately led to the Empire's defeat.

The significance of Tantive IV makes it seem like a logical choice for a Capital Ship, as well as one that could start adding some variety to the range of ships we currently have.

As for the fleet Commander, I figured the logical choice would be Captain Antilles.

Anyone else interested in seeing the Tantive IV appear? Or are there other capital ships you'd like to have?


  • CK_3030
    177 posts Member
    Except, it's not a capital ship.
  • DarthBrobdignagian
    122 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    The Executrix is literally several miles larger than the Tantive IV, if you want to get nerdy. It fits inside of Ackbars ship, it launched from one at the end of R1. Just wouldnt work.

    I'd like to see a raid exclusive Death Star capital with Tarkin retaining command, but for players the Tantive isn't the right fit. I'd like to see the Emperors Super Star Destroyer or maybe Grievous Invisible Hand.
  • JynErso42
    197 posts Member
    The Executrix is literally several miles larger than the Tantive IV, if you want to get nerdy. It fits inside of Ackbars ship, it launched from one at the end of R1. Just wouldnt work.

    Now that you mention it, Admiral Raddus's ship from |Rogue One would probably be a good choice as well.

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