Any advice on improving my rank? have good toons. is it some rookie error?

hey guys. I've got a team of wiggs, lando, leia (all 7*) and B2 (6*). my rank seems to be pretty low around 400. any advice on how to pimp up the team and what i am doing wrong?
other characters i have are vader, sth,lumi, boba, rey, phasma, sun fac all 7*.
kylo, GG, anakin, dooku, EP and a couple of clones are other worthy mentions.
Any advice is welcome


  • Options
    Stars dont really matter, it's about gear and mods. You also need a tanking tank (STH or Sun Fac) and Boba is great.

    Wiggs, Lando, Boba, STH is a classic beginner team.
  • Options
    JaminSpace wrote: »
    Stars dont really matter, it's about gear and mods. You also need a tanking tank (STH or Sun Fac) and Boba is great.

    Wiggs, Lando, Boba, STH is a classic beginner team.

    is boba worth the gear up? i have a choice btwn gearing wedge n him right now.
    lando is 10 n biggs 9
  • Redwood
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I run Wedge (L), Biggs, Boba, STH and QGJ currently. B2 is a good replacement for QGJ. Speed on STH or Boba is key to get first strike. As with any team, mods will make or break you

    What teams are you going up against mostly?

    Agreed with above. You need a tank.
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