Rule of 1 looking for members!

Rule of 1 is a new guild dedicated to helping members develope. I founded this guild because I was tired of watching the low ranked players working their tails off to earn raid tickets just to be excluded from the raids. Then if there was a low raid, watching the high level players take the top spots!

Rule of 1 will make sure that raids are evenly distributed. We have active and friendly officers that will help you build teams ready for heroic raids.

Our high level members ally with our lower level members to help them beat those difficult nodes.

Join The Rule of 1 today and reach your full potential! My ally code is 921-297-388.


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    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask
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    Morning Paynetrain! My ally code is 597-375-143, Im level 68 working on getting 5* chars and trying to find a guild where the top spots don't get swooped on by high level predators being greedy in the last hours of the raid. And sounds like you encountered same problem lol so would love the chance to run with yall!

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    I'll send you an invite
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    We are starting our first raid May the 4th at the conclusion of the guild activities!
  • Graeves
    7 posts Member
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    We now have a GP 62 million and do HAAT. Just had two spots open up and are looking to fill them before TW start!
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