United Airlines RECRUITING ALL LEVELS; Heroic Pit Raid + Normal Tank (open to merge as well)

8 posts Member
edited June 2017
Guild Name - United Airlines
Time Zone - USA: Pacific
Player Base - Both, F2P & P2P
Chat app - Discord. Add: Goobie Oobie#9729 ...for announcements, game strategies, and general chat with a fun group of expert players

Guild Overview - Our guild has room for a few more members to complete our roster. The current roster is comprised of 33 diverse players (from beginners to mid to Zeta elites) who can solo shot the Heroic Pit Raid, and complete a Normal Tank Raid in less than 48 hours... Early to Mid player levels welcomed, and will receive tips and advice to maximize their gaming experience.

Pit level - Heroic.

Pit Raid Rules - Heroic - 1pm Pacific: Sacrifice Time. 5pm Pacific: Free-For-All

Guild Rules - Only rule is to not to break the Sacrifice Time rule. Play as you wish, contribute to the Raid tickets as much as you can. Have fun & be courteous.

Ally Code - 681-261-692
Post edited by GoobieOobie on


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    Open to Guild merges as well. DM Me or add ally code: 681-261-692.....

    Currently doing a Heroic Pit Raid at this moment; finished the first 2 phases in under 30 minutes w/ just 11 out of 15 members participating.
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    Just completed the Heroic pit in 2 hours. Everyone got rewarded. Feel free to join. New or Old, Rookie or Expert

    Add ally code: 681-261-692
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    How many slots do you have left in your guild we may be interested to merge we have 13 people in our guild who are pretty active.
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    We have 17 members in our guild currently, able to finish Heroic Rancor & Normal Tank. We'd be more than happy to bring all of you guys in, and help you guys out with the game.

    Ally Code: 681-261-692
    Discord tag: Goobie Oobie#9729
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    Bump... we're currently at 33 members strong, completing Heroic Pit Raids with ease. And now we're gearing up for Heroic Tank Raids... Whether you are an early level, who wants to grow with an established group; or an established player looking for a laid back & active community, you're more than welcomed to join the family.

    Also willing to merge with any group of 10-15 players. DM Me

    Ally code: 681-261-692

    Discord Tag: Goobie Oobie#9729
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    Bump... about to run our next Heroic Pit Raid soon.

    With us, you can learn how to defeat Chaze/Kenobi teams in Arena & GW with ease. How to beat LS Hard Node 9B the FTP way. And even learn how to Solo the Rancor post-Zader fix

    Ally code: 681-261-682
    Discord tag: Goobie Oobie#9729
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    you can also check out my roster as well, and click on the "United Airlines" link too to see some of our best
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