The Pit - heroic level

A couple of days ago our guild attempted heroic level for the first time. We were pretty confident as at least 2-3 of us can solo tier 6 in one go.
Personally I did it with Vader zeta leader, EP, TFP, Sid and Teebo on auto.
Coming to heroic level we noticed that no matter what the team format we chose, TM reduction was almost zero for the Rancor (even with Rex and TM reduction chance at 100%) and we can't even complete phase 3.

Any suggestions?


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    That team should be able to do it. However for t7 speed has to be higher than for t6. Around 180 at least for everyone on the team. Also you want to run auto basics not regular auto so teebo is just dead weight for that. Rex or qgj are much better options. If you wanted to keep teebo in there you would want to play manually and only use culling blade when force crush is off cooldown so you aren't removing speed down from the rancor.
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    Possible issues:
    1) your squad isnt fast enough, get everyone around the 200 mark.
    2) zaders tmr cant be resisted, so i guess you are talking about teebo/rex/qgj etc being resisted. Get their postency to 50% min and make sure tfp applies tenacity down
    3) make sure tfp has enough crit chance to effectively land tenacity down
    4) zader solo is easier if you start on p1, start at p2 and it will get a lot tougher
    5) make sure Vader lands speed down in first attempt. I always knock down the door first to guarantee tfp tenacity down and apply dots/speed down.
    6) resist the temptation to throw vaders sword unless you have Force crush ready. That will remove tenacity and speed down

    Other than that there is no reason why you shouldnt solo. My guess is your speed is subpar
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    I think you might be confused about some things.
    Rex has a 100% chance to remove tm. BUT BUT BUT this TM CAN be resisted. Vader's zeta says that you have 50% chance to remove TM, but it CAN'T be resisted.
    Also the most important part - You aren't sacrificing enough animals in the name of RNGesus. So he f's you up.
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    That team should be able to do it. However for t7 speed has to be higher than for t6. Around 180 at least for everyone on the team. Also you want to run auto basics not regular auto so teebo is just dead weight for that. Rex or qgj are much better options. If you wanted to keep teebo in there you would want to play manually and only use culling blade when force crush is off cooldown so you aren't removing speed down from the rancor.

    I didn't use auto in heroic level.
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    Possible issues:
    1) your squad isnt fast enough, get everyone around the 200 mark.
    2) zaders tmr cant be resisted, so i guess you are talking about teebo/rex/qgj etc being resisted. Get their postency to 50% min and make sure tfp applies tenacity down
    3) make sure tfp has enough crit chance to effectively land tenacity down
    4) zader solo is easier if you start on p1, start at p2 and it will get a lot tougher
    5) make sure Vader lands speed down in first attempt. I always knock down the door first to guarantee tfp tenacity down and apply dots/speed down.
    6) resist the temptation to throw vaders sword unless you have Force crush ready. That will remove tenacity and speed down

    Other than that there is no reason why you shouldnt solo. My guess is your speed is subpar

    Vader zeta (team leader) - gear level 11, speed 165, critical damage 216%, Potency 38.15%, Tenacity 38.32%
    EP - gear level 11, speed 178, critical damage 186%, Potency 47%, Tenacity 34.53%
    TFP - gear level 10, speed 215, critical damage 180%, Potency 54.82%, Tenacity 33.86%

    The rest of the team I tried different toons such as Maul zeta, Sid, Teebo, Yoda, QGJ, RG, 5s etc but none could deliver a single TM reduction hit.
    Vader couldn't even inflict a single "damage over time" hit and that's what seemed most strange.

    Thank you all for your replies btw :)

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    I think you might be confused about some things.
    Rex has a 100% chance to remove tm. BUT BUT BUT this TM CAN be resisted. Vader's zeta says that you have 50% chance to remove TM, but it CAN'T be resisted.
    Also the most important part - You aren't sacrificing enough animals in the name of RNGesus. So he f's you up.

    You mean "RNG€$u$"? ;)
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    You need more speed. Potency isn't an issue because the tmr can't be resisted on sith/empire toons and you have tfp doing tenacity down for any non sith/empire toons. Make sure you start in p1 and keep slow on the rancor. As far as Landon dots you need more potency on Vader for that but they aren't really important for rancor.
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    DarthKals wrote: »
    I think you might be confused about some things.
    Rex has a 100% chance to remove tm. BUT BUT BUT this TM CAN be resisted. Vader's zeta says that you have 50% chance to remove TM, but it CAN'T be resisted.
    Also the most important part - You aren't sacrificing enough animals in the name of RNGesus. So he f's you up.

    You mean "RNG€$u$"? ;)

    Nope, just RNGesus, anyone who thinks swgoh is anywhere near close to a p2p game, hasn't played any other online games in his life :D:D
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    You need more speed. Potency isn't an issue because the tmr can't be resisted on sith/empire toons and you have tfp doing tenacity down for any non sith/empire toons. Make sure you start in p1 and keep slow on the rancor. As far as Landon dots you need more potency on Vader for that but they aren't really important for rancor.

    That's the point. TM reduction WAS resisted 9/10 times and TFP didn't land one single "Tenacity down" hit no matter how many times I restarted. In about 20 attempts or more, Vader managed twice to get a single "damage over time" hit and in the end I managed a mere 786k damage, whereas in tier VI phase 4, Vader landed a 750k blow on Rancor.
  • TofuMao
    630 posts Member
    DarthKals wrote: »
    Possible issues:
    1) your squad isnt fast enough, get everyone around the 200 mark.
    2) zaders tmr cant be resisted, so i guess you are talking about teebo/rex/qgj etc being resisted. Get their postency to 50% min and make sure tfp applies tenacity down
    3) make sure tfp has enough crit chance to effectively land tenacity down
    4) zader solo is easier if you start on p1, start at p2 and it will get a lot tougher
    5) make sure Vader lands speed down in first attempt. I always knock down the door first to guarantee tfp tenacity down and apply dots/speed down.
    6) resist the temptation to throw vaders sword unless you have Force crush ready. That will remove tenacity and speed down

    Other than that there is no reason why you shouldnt solo. My guess is your speed is subpar

    Vader zeta (team leader) - gear level 11, speed 165, critical damage 216%, Potency 38.15%, Tenacity 38.32%
    EP - gear level 11, speed 178, critical damage 186%, Potency 47%, Tenacity 34.53%
    TFP - gear level 10, speed 215, critical damage 180%, Potency 54.82%, Tenacity 33.86%

    The rest of the team I tried different toons such as Maul zeta, Sid, Teebo, Yoda, QGJ, RG, 5s etc but none could deliver a single TM reduction hit.
    Vader couldn't even inflict a single "damage over time" hit and that's what seemed most strange.

    Thank you all for your replies btw :)
    Well, as I can see, your potency on zvader is very poor, so he will struggle to apply speed down, don't worry about dots, they are not important, so get zvader with higher speed and higher potency, or else try to replace Sid with royal guard as he can apply speed down, once you have speed down on rancor you NEVER use culling blade as he will remove speed down and this is much worse than getting than anything, second, if you could replace teebo for rex as he removes tm with his basic and with the first special gives TM to your team so you can get more hits on him, if not, second option is QGJ, only use his basic because is the only reason why you want him there, if you have to use teebo, try to be clever and on the 2 turns that teebo is not on stealth, try to take the offense buff from the main pig out, as he will remove TM at a 100% chance, for phase 2 as other people stated, you want to land speed down and then just basic attack through the 3 phases
  • DarthKals
    21 posts Member
    TofuMao wrote: »
    Well, as I can see, your potency on zvader is very poor, so he will struggle to apply speed down, don't worry about dots, they are not important, so get zvader with higher speed and higher potency, or else try to replace Sid with royal guard as he can apply speed down, once you have speed down on rancor you NEVER use culling blade as he will remove speed down and this is much worse than getting than anything, second, if you could replace teebo for rex as he removes tm with his basic and with the first special gives TM to your team so you can get more hits on him, if not, second option is QGJ, only use his basic because is the only reason why you want him there, if you have to use teebo, try to be clever and on the 2 turns that teebo is not on stealth, try to take the offense buff from the main pig out, as he will remove TM at a 100% chance, for phase 2 as other people stated, you want to land speed down and then just basic attack through the 3 phases

    I tried all of these except Rex as he is still only 6* but my teammate is still trying (we have another 7 hours to finish the raid and we are halfway through phase 3).
    My teammate has Rex at gear level 11, speed 200, crit. damage 150%, Potency 28% and Tenacity 32.92% but he still can't reduce TM. Basically he is our strongest player and hasn't had a go yet as we're trying to figure out how to finish the raid.
  • Gavstar
    214 posts Member
    Number of things you are lacking, but the general strategy is:
    -Tfp needs to land tenacity down, you need tfp to crit dmg for it to work. Crit chance is your friend.
    - Zader and Rex can then land the debuffs and TMR.
    - You also need a reliable speed down debuff, Zader speed down comes once every 4 turns, if it misses, youre stuffed. Get phasma or RG, Fives is a double edge sword with speed down becoz of double tap.
    You have to get tfp to land tenacity down to start it rolling after every cull.
    - have luck until you can transition to next phase.
    - Then Zader bug will allow you to basically auto.
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    DarthKals wrote: »
    You need more speed. Potency isn't an issue because the tmr can't be resisted on sith/empire toons and you have tfp doing tenacity down for any non sith/empire toons. Make sure you start in p1 and keep slow on the rancor. As far as Landon dots you need more potency on Vader for that but they aren't really important for rancor.

    That's the point. TM reduction WAS resisted 9/10 times and TFP didn't land one single "Tenacity down" hit no matter how many times I restarted. In about 20 attempts or more, Vader managed twice to get a single "damage over time" hit and in the end I managed a mere 786k damage, whereas in tier VI phase 4, Vader landed a 750k blow on Rancor.

    It wasnt resisted. You landed on the wrong side of 50% ;) Plus, tfps tenacity down dowsnt land by chance. You are telling us that in 20 restarts, tfp didnt crit a single time. Get him some crit chance mods
    But you need more speed. And then some.

    If you claim you didnt remove tm then the rancor killed you very fast. The sample is too small. You need to : take down the door. Tfp will land tenacity down because its auto crit. Tjen land vaders speed down. Repeat till you get this done

    But seriousle. Speed.
    Zader sid palps tfp (teebo or qgj as 5th) will solo if they are in the 200 area
    Mine are tfp 233 sid 215 zader 186 paps 175 qgj 197. All g10 except qgj g9
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    I have some more questions:

    1.Doesn't taking down the door increase Rancor's tenacity?
    2. Does it make a difference if you try multiple times and retreat? Will it become harder?
    3. Should we try playing simultaneously with my team mates or not?
    4. Should we send in some weaker teams first so all players can get the rewards?
    5. What is the best strategy to follow considering only 2 of us can solo tier VI?

    We are a small guild (about 10-12 active players only) so if you are strong and don't get many chances in the top guilds, feel free to join the DarthKals guild ;)
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    1. Tenacity Down reduces Tenacity by 999900% so you just need to land that.
    2. I normally retreat till I get a Tenacity Down on the Captain with my first attack. It does not change difficulty.
    3. Should not affect anything unless you are reliant on the Zader bug and you need to start the raid in P1 but your team mate changes the phase.
    4. Everybody should at least send in 1 character to be sacrificed and score a 0 to get rewards.
    5. Same as 4, get everyone to participate first, then solo Rancor.
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    1. Tenacity Down reduces Tenacity by 999900% so you just need to land that.
    2. I normally retreat till I get a Tenacity Down on the Captain with my first attack. It does not change difficulty.
    3. Should not affect anything unless you are reliant on the Zader bug and you need to start the raid in P1 but your team mate changes the phase.
    4. Everybody should at least send in 1 character to be sacrificed and score a 0 to get rewards.
    5. Same as 4, get everyone to participate first, then solo Rancor.

    Thanks for your reply :)
    I hope it works this time
  • Huatimus
    3669 posts Member
    You do need a lot more speed though. Your current team doesn't seem fast enough to solo Heroic Rancor yet.
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    You do need a lot more speed though. Your current team doesn't seem fast enough to solo Heroic Rancor yet.

    Only my TFP has speed 215. It's so hard to find good mods :(
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    Hi all,

    We are still struggling to complete heroic Rancor raid, even though we managed to do so twice.
    The main problem we have is that most of the time TMR doesn't work even if we use toons like Bistan, Teebo, Zader lead etc
    Also, sometimes "devour" is at 4 cooldown and Rancor still eats one of the toons on his turn.
    Are there any known bugs or are we just missing something here?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    are multiple guildies solo-ing phase1?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    DarthKals wrote: »
    Hi all,

    We are still struggling to complete heroic Rancor raid, even though we managed to do so twice.
    The main problem we have is that most of the time TMR doesn't work even if we use toons like Bistan, Teebo, Zader lead etc
    Also, sometimes "devour" is at 4 cooldown and Rancor still eats one of the toons on his turn.
    Are there any known bugs or are we just missing something here?

    For Teebo lead, you need someone who can put Tenacity Down to the Rancor. So, Rancor will have the only traditional 15% to resist the TMR. Another toon for Speed Down and it's ok. A usual team with Teebo is:
    Teebo, TFP, QGJ, Rex, Phasma. I use Cassian instead of Phasma. TFP will inflict Tenacity down when he crits, that he will do with Phasma or when the door is toppled.
    Also get the max speed on Teebo.
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    If you have r2 at seven stars he can be used to keep teebo permanently stealthed. I can usually get to phase 3 by using Zader, tfp, teebo, r2 and zid. If you have nihilus replace zid with him and could make it a little longer.
    A guildmate solo'd with Zader, tfp, Rex, teebo and r2.
  • Kalano
    415 posts Member
    Don't bother about soloing. If you struggle to complete the raid, coordinate your guild!!!

    One guy shall clear P1, so you save all the other heros for later phases. Keep some good tmr Teams for P4.
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    Re the devour cooldown, this gets reduced for every toon under 50% health. So if rancor smashes all your team and puts 4 of them under 50% health then devour will be off cooldown and he can eat somebody.
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    Try Jyn. She works wonders. Wedge lead Biggs Jyn Chirrut Cassian
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