Rebel Luke Skywalker need to be introduced to the game as a usable character and given a Ship!!!

29 posts Member
I gotta say, as much as I absolutely love SWGOH, one of the biggest disappointments for me is how lame the current Luke Skywalker character is. This guy is undeniably one of the biggest, most recognizable characters in the Star Wars universe and he doesn't even have a lightsaber?? He only had that blaster rifle for like the first 20 mins of episode 4 and then he was given a lightsaber for the rest of the series!

In mod battles and certain random events, we have been able to witness the glory that is "Rebel Luke Skywalker" as he should be: wielding his trademark lightsaber and showing passion in his strikes. I STRONGLY urge this games' developers to put this version of Luke Skywalker into the game for users to acquire... and can you please give this man a ship as well?? He only destroyed the freakin Death Star with an X-Wing... this character deserves to have one of the best ships in the game!!

It seems like a gross oversight that continues to boggle my mind that such a minor character like Biggs Darklighter can be made to be one of the most powerful arena characters with one of the best ships for fleet battles in the game, yet very popular, well known characters like Luke Skywalker are given such weak, almost useless abilities/synergies that make them nearly unusable for battle. One of the best fighter pilots in the SW galaxy doesn't even have a ship, but let's make sure Plo Koon and the Clone Sergeant have ships... doesn't make sense to me.


  • Options
    I back all that, its more then time for luke and to get their ship already. Its nice to see toons and all but at least give us the most natural characters to have a ship. Its simply wrong not to have them yet.
  • Options
    I back all that, its more then time for luke and to get their ship already. Its nice to see toons and all but at least give us the most natural characters to have a ship. Its simply wrong not to have them yet.

    And anakin*
  • Pinkz
    29 posts Member
    I back all that, its more then time for luke and to get their ship already. Its nice to see toons and all but at least give us the most natural characters to have a ship. Its simply wrong not to have them yet.

    Word ✊
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