
18 posts Member
New player needs guild


  • TWD_Negan
    373 posts Member
    Excuse me, but what level are you and what is the highest raid tier level you want to start running? If you are new, you can join our little sister guild Darkstar Heroes which runs tier 3/4/5 rancor
  • QueenSith
    18 posts Member
    I am lvl 32 and I only have 4 star people
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    Link your account to in order for others to see what your current roster looks like. You are in a very influential time and the next few weeks will determine whether you struggle to gain power, or if you seize it early and fight off those who wish to take it from you. I would also suggest utilizing the discord chat app. All of the heroic farming guilds utilize it and it is a great tool that has helped many of us rise from the ashes and others to stay in power. If you would like direction on your journey, send me a message after you have linked your account and I can help you expedite your growth.. If you show promise, you could be farming heroic raid gear and General Kenobi (GK) shards far before the others that you compete with in arena.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    What a great title! And even much more information inside. Truly awesome.
    977 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Fatzke wrote: »
    What a great title! And even much more information inside. Truly awesome.

  • Options
    I already have discord
  • Options
    Did you find a guild?
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