Galactic War and PvP Arena difficulty increase after making purchases? ****?

I have been playing for almost a month now. I was thoroughly enjoying the game. I complete my daily activities, have a good selection of chars, keep grinding their gear up. I was competing in the 10-20 range in the PvP Arena and able to complete my Galactic War 50% of the time.

... Then I dropped some money on the game and over the next few days the difficulty increased to impossible levels...

I am having trouble staying in the top 100 of the PvP Arena. Every player I face is suddenly 4-5 levels higher than me, has 2-4K higher squad power, and is geared up way beyond me.

Galactic War isn't even funny. I can not make it past half way through. I am level 51, my mid-way battle is normally against a level 69 player with 6/7 star toons. It is a massacre. Most of my toons are dead before I get my first turn.

This game went from something I was expecting to play for the next few months to a nightmare directly after I made in-game purchases. What happened? Why did I get removed from my old PvP server? Why did Galactic War suddenly start putting me up against stupid impossible odds?

I am seriously contemplating contacting apple and demanding a refund. I have never had a mobile game penalize me for making in-game purchases like this.


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    You are still in the same pvp server, no one has been moved. People may have seen the new meta (poe + dps) and happened to have moved up around the time you made your purchases and you're just falsely associating the in app purchase as the reason.

    With gw, you may have triggered the cg algorithm with either levelling and or gearing up various toons, we don't know the exact coding so we only speculate on specifics. I think it's just a case of bad timing and you may have not been farming the particular toons to beat "what's hot", hard to say without seeing your exact bench of toons.
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    ... Then I dropped some money on the game and over the next few days the difficulty increased to impossible levels...
    I have never had a mobile game penalize me for making in-game purchases like this.

    This isn't the case with Galatic War. The match-making of GW opponents is not connected to your purchases. Purchases give you an advantage in having heroes unlocked or starred. Purchases can give you an advantage in refilling energy for extra chances to farm for shards or gear items. However, it has no connection to who you are paired against in Galatic War.

    It appears to be a common scene when players are in the 50s to 60s. The opponents are of higher levels and even better built. They can be defeated, but sometimes you can only go so far without a strong and deep bench. One advice I can give is to slow down and focus on gearing and leveling your existing heroes. Know your roster's strengths and how they can contribute to your squad. Take a look at some of the strategies in the Guides section and take a look at the Strategy section for ways to improve your roster. Good luck.


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    I have similar Galactic War experience (though not related to purchase),

    But since the last update which was around the 1st of Feb 2016. When this went live, I have the same issue. I was enjoying things, even when I was around 100 PvP Squad Arena. But I was able to finish 80% of my Galactic War marches.

    Now four chests into the Galactic March I am being smashed by opponents. One team can often take out my entire "A" team all level 70 and even take out my "B" team around 65-68 level EASILY. Kind of takes out the fun of it really. Most of my "A" team have level 6-7 Attacks and Abilities with Level VII gear. Suddenly this is not strong enough for much.

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