
98 posts Member
edited June 2017

I'm an officer with the guild "Spaceballs". We are currently:

- Raiding Heroic Rancor with several members able to solo the raid. (there is a 12 hour zero damage period, damage period starts at 5PM EST / 2 PM PST)
- Working on Heroic AAT. We have several members that can take down phase 1 with their Zylo, We made it to Phase 3 this time.
- We raid Normal HAAT 95% of the time that we run Tank raid, we have this one locked down and are farming it for shards. It takes us around 24 hours, so no zero damage period on it at the moment.

We're working towards finishing Heroic AAT and are looking for players that want to do the same. We are a good group of players, we are probably an older group of guys. There is no drama in this guild, so no need to worry about name calling or flaming. If you like stirring up trouble, this is not the guild for you.

We’re looking for HAAT ready accounts, should have a squad for each phase, preferably Phase 2 supersquad.

We are also in the process of culling about 5-10 accounts that seem to be inactive so that we can make the final push towards conquering HAAT.

Let me know if you're interested.
Salty Skroob
- Ally code 249-323-219
PM me on discord @ Salty Skroob

Ask our guild questions @ on Discord
Post edited by SaltySkroob on


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