Ship AI

374 posts Member
edited May 2017
Has anybody else noticed that the ship AI is actually pretty good? I get lazy every once in a while when I'm near the top of the potential for my ship squad and just auto it. Somehow I usually still turn up a win...? Idk if its the ships I use or what, but it seems to me the guy writing the ship AI needs to spend some time on the character AI side...


  • Exletion
    649 posts Member
    I think ship Ai is at least competent because the ship strategy is much less involved(at this point) then our current character side of things.
  • Broulan
    374 posts Member
    Ah ok, yeah that's probably true. I just autoed a battle this morning I didn't expect to win (and didn't really care to) and when I came back to a win just kinda thought about how that'd never happen with characters. But you're right, there are fewer ships/abilities, fewer leaders, and thus fewer strategies.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    I find ship AI terrible. Quite often I find enemy squads only calling 1 reinforcement per battle. Sometimes no reinforcements are called.

    Slave 1 targeting the only ship that is target locked with proton torpedoes. I see this all of the time.

    5's ship targeting the only ship that is target locked with his missle pods rather than applying that target lock on a ship without a target lock.

    I don't think I've ever seen an enemy TFP use it's targeting computer ability.

    These are just a few examples of awful AI.
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