Is Sith Trooper Worth It?

I'm currently level 71 and trying to upgrade my Dark Side/Sith squad.

Currently I have:
-(L) Emperor Palpatine 5*, Gear lvl. 7, Level 60
-Darth Vader 5*, Gear lvl. 7, Level 63
-Count Dooku 3*, Gear lvl. 6, Level 57
-Tie Fighter Pilot 4*, Gear lvl. 7, Level 65
-Boba Fett 5*, Gear lvl. 7, Level 61

As you can see, my squad isn't too impressive right now but I've made a lot of progress in the past few days. I was wondering if you guys think I should replace Boba Fett or TFP with my 3* Sith Trooper for another Sith and a true tank on my team? He seems strong and a good addition but I haven't seen him in the top ranks.

If I'm going to upgrade, gear up, grind shards and try to get shards from the shard shop, I want to know if it's worth it or if I should go for another sith. Thanks!


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    It is difficult to give advice to someone who is still lvl 71. Sith Trooper is absolutely on top tier teams, but it is with zMaul , SA, DN, and another like EP or SO. Basically with none of the toons you have. There are some characters that are all around great like DN, Kylo, Boba. If you eventually want sith, the top leaders are DN or Maul. If you want a zVader team, keep working on Boba and develop Sidious. The answer to your question is where do you want to be 3 months from now? EP is a great leader now for you, but no so great when you get zeta.
    Character Name: Nofaultius
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    Sith trooper is an absolute monster on the right team. He's worth it imo
  • Drax_77
    1076 posts Member
    I put a zeta on dn lead, and with troopers unique omegad he taunts and gets retribution very quickly. Mine is to undergeared and undermodded for arena atm but he's a total beast in gw with the 150% health steal. He may have a spot in dn lead teams now that the meta is switching to mostly Rex leads. He is a very solid tank imo.
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    He is awesome. I have mine maxed and use him in arena, Zaul - DN - SA - ST - GK.
    I am the Tard of Tards
  • EricsonX
    703 posts Member
    I'd like to work on getting him, but I can't even get through the start of what, Cantina 8, without getting decimated?
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    GK, SiT and Baze are the best high end tanks in the game.

    Some will say he's easy to beat (same can be said for GK and Baze), but only if you have certain abilities. Namely frequent debuff and buff immunity/shock otherwise it will be a long painful process trying to burn him down.
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    Agreed. There are several chazes on my shard, and I can deal with them. If I see SiT, I refresh.
  • Nymet83
    36 posts Member
    I would replace count dooku. He is your weakest character of that bunch. I would replace with a tank. I ran the exact team as yours with Royal Guard instead of dooku. If you have shoretrooper, I would go with him. Otherwise, royal guard or sith trooper would be fine. Hope that helps
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    With ur setup, sith trooper will not help much. To become stronger base on ur setup.. i'm thinking about put shoretrooper to replace dooku, change lead to vader. Max all that person, boom u have top 100 arena team. Top 50 if u zeta-ed vader.

    It's generic empire winning team tho :joy:
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    Unless you are going with a zMaul lead on a Sith or mostly Sith comp, probably not. SiT needs other Siths to utilize their specials in order for his Taunt and Retribution to trigger. I somewhat have buyers remorse bringing him to Gear XI because my Arena ranking has plummeted from top 3 down to the 20s and unless I refresh battles (which I'm not willing to do unless it results in a net crystal gain at payout), it's virtually impossible to climb back into the top 10. Work on Rex, dude, and Chaze, those three aren't going anywhere any time soon whereas a few months from now, the zMaul Sith squads will be the Studebaker of comps IMO.
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