It's Always Sunny in Tattooine--HAAT Guild Now Recruiting

22 posts Member
edited May 2017
It's Always Sunny in Tatooine, a member of the Malevolent Marauders Alliance, is an HAAT guild that has 2 spots open for HAAT-ready players. We are looking for players who can score 600k or more in HAAT and will contribute 600 tickets/day. Zeta Jedi, droids, jawas, or chirpatine squads preferred.

We offer a laid back (but not casual) atmosphere, and have a few simple rules:
1. 600 tickets/day
2. Participate in raids as best you can
3. Follow raid rules and instructions
4. Communicate if you are busy or will be out of town during a raid
5. Continue to get stronger and improve your teams

We have a great set of resources on Discord, and guild members are knowledgeable players who can advise on every facet of the game--arena, GW, Rancor, HAAT, zetas, who to farm next, etc.

Currently engaged in an HAAT, with the next one scheduled for Sunday/Monday

It's Always Sunny in Tatooine Guild Information:
  1. Part of the Malevolent Marauders Alliance
  2. US Mountain time guild resets (most players are US Eastern)
  3. T7 Rancor raids every other day
  4. HAAT raids every 3-4 days (depending on tickets)
  5. Rancor (9:30 pm EST launch): Champion rule or 0 dmg for first 24 hours; Free for all at 8 pm EST the next day
  6. HAAT (8 pm EST launch): Conducted by phase
    • Phase 1: Zylos only
    • Phase 2: Best team, Zaders, droids, FO, Resistance, clones
    • Phase 3: Best team, Chirpatine, Jawas, Teebotine, Jedi
    • Phase 4: Best team, Rebels, clones, everything else
  7. Discord required
  8.  600 tickets/day required
If interested, contact me on discord: #Severious9697 or PM me here. Don't miss out on your opportunity to earn Kenobi shards!
(We recently changed the guild name, which is why it's listed differently in swgoh)
Post edited by Severious on


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  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Please do not bump threads
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • ThreeGee
    43 posts Member
    Ouch. Really? Must be so that we all can accurately know how many real comments there are for the thread. Should prob just make eleventeen posts about the same topic
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member

    This is a copy i send to answer this inquiry:

    Many guilds have their members come and post in their thread once in a while. Or once a day they add a post updating their recruiting situation. Whatever you do, please add something informative and don't just "bump" or "up" or anything else that doesnt mean much. Also, please do not create duplicate threads.

    Besides, when u do this, ur thread will look more professional :) Thanks for understanding
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • Options
    We have 2 spots open; Don't miss out on a chance to start getting your GK shards!
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    Still have 2 spots open; HAAT launches in 9.5 hours. Still time to jump aboard and start getting your GK shards
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    4 Spots open as of 5/21/17; just completed an HAAT yesterday and we'll launch another tonight at 8 pm EST
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    HAAT officially on farm; 2 spots available! Next HAAT Thursday 5/25 at 8 pm EST
  • Options
    Currently engaged in a heroic AAT batte; next one is scheduled for Sunday/Monday. 2 spots available
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