La Cosa Nostra is expanding our empire. Join us now or fear us later.

34 posts Member
Hello all, I'm LCN Polekat. I Lead LCN Clan Of Endor.

I am here recruiting players of all levels. We have 8 guilds in our Alliance and all are in need of a few players. Some more then others. We have guilds for just about any level of play you are at. Ranging from Academy to Advanced high level HAAT guilds. We have many different time zone based guilds so what ever you are looking for we can most likely accommodate you. Weather you are a big/small guild looking to merge, or just one player looking for a guild. We have a home for you.

Join La Cosa Nostra and become a part of the Family

LCN has dedicated leaders, a real organization structure, strong contributors to the various Communities, the highest caliber players, and avid gamers enjoying their time with SWGoH. The leadership structure facilitates teamwork, coordination, and collaboration across multiple LCN Divisions for mutual success. We even share the #1 PvP ranking slot by coordinating payout times and running blocking maneuvers to ensure FTB maintains the top spots for maximum rewards. Each Division of LCN provides an environment applicable to our member’s preference, style of play, and ambition with experience sharing from a variety of perspectives.

It’s the friends you game with that make or break one’s enjoyment of the digital arts, and you won’t go wrong joining La Cosa Nostra (LCN). LCN is a multigame Community, Guild, Legion, Alliance…whatever you want to call it. We have focused on building one of the best communities and secured a foundation for a fun, strong, and competitive group of players.

If you are interested in joing us please join our discord server.

Join Link


  • polekat
    34 posts Member
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Please do not bump threads
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    ok LCN COE is now full but we still have a few guilds looking for players
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    COE is looking for 2-4 HAAT ready players. we were short, 3% more in p4 and we got HAAT on farm. Come join us and get those GK shards. guild reset is UTC london. Most of us are in EST which gives us a guid reset at 2:30pm EST we raid at 8pm EST. If you can do 1-3mil in HAAT then we have a spot for you.
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Still needing a few HAAT ready players that can do 2+mil we are currently farming HAAT with the help of our alliance mercs. 2-3 HAAT raids per week depending on tickets.

  • Hearts_of_Jed1
    58 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Wow, I love this guild and co-op!
    You guys, I brought in my guild to haat form with Clan of Endor a few weeks ago, and we have been farming 3/week! My lowbies are happy in a prehaat. I'm a Co-Leader with Polkat now, super nice dude, great coach, OP heavyweight Clones monster. 6 of 9 clans now haat and friendly, collegial leadership support.

    Clan of Endor currently has 2 spots open for solid hAAT P2, P3 specialists with deep inventories. hAAT is 5pm pst/8pm est. Finishes under 1 day. R7 6pm pst/9pm est finishes too fast, so 24hr hold @P1 registration.
    -Discord and active
    - 600/600
    - gg link
    - 25+ x G10/11 and maxed P2 (Zidadar, zFinn, 1st Order, Zody-Scav, Droid/Jawa), and P3 (Zadar, EP-TFP, Teebo/Chirpatine, zFinn, etc).

    Join Link
    Post ur Ally Code and say Pri sent you for Clan of Endor!

    LCN Clan of Endor
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    looking for GK shards and a fun guild? COE is looking for you then. We also have a new entry level guild Endor Academy is now accepting players of all levels.
  • Options
    COE is looking for afew good players.
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    Still looking for a few good HAAT players
  • Options
    Need GK shards? come check us out.
  • polekat
    34 posts Member
    edited July 2017
    So we just merged with another Alliance called the Marauders. So now we are called the Marauders De La Cosa Nostra or MLCN. We are now 37 guilds strong and 2 discord super servers with tons of game related info, lessons and guides. Come check us out you won't be disappointed.
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