Bring Tournaments back

85 posts Member
edited May 2017
The purpose of this thread is to inspire others to push for some form of a return of tournaments.

Tournaments bring life to the PVP aspect of the game. You find yourself battling new squads you have not encountered before and many players from different shards. Personally (and I believe I'm not alone), I feel that the arena becomes very dull once you make it to the top 50 and even more so once you hit the top 10. As one who finishes top 5 daily, I have contemplated swapping my arena squad just to have fun battling other squads in my arena.

Tournaments are a lot of fun and have great potential! Please share ideas you may have to make tournaments come back


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    Before anyone replies, please remember:
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    Perhaps instead of doing character releases via tournaments there could just be a large amount of gear as an reward. Perhaps equivalent of 3-4 raids.
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    You will get all the "but it's not fair, I can't rank high!! Make it available to everyoneee!! I spent all my alley points already =(" coming out
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    At least it would be fun
    1...2...3! You're dead!
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    Maybe they could give us Domination Points, which would be used to unlock rare characters like Baze, GK, etc
    1...2...3! You're dead!
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    You will get all the "but it's not fair, I can't rank high!! Make it available to everyoneee!! I spent all my alley points already =(" coming out

    They already have, and now the new characters are being handed out like candy instead of creating competition to be the first to have them. I've never taken first in a tournament, but they are enjoyable while they are around.
  • Jopa_Tice
    160 posts Member
    I have a better idea. Make the tournament within your guild only. You can "Annie up" with gear in your supply to create a winner style reward. No restarts and must use and equal amount of charters that everyone has, such as 5, 10, 20, 50... etc.
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    Tournaments, yes are about competition as always, but also open the PVP aspect of the game up and encouraging creativity just for fun.
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    Maybe they could give us Domination Points, which would be used to unlock rare characters like Baze, GK, etc

    Simple and effective. Introduce a new currency store that allows bulk purchases of harder to farm characters (Baze, Chirruit, First Order Stormtrooper, etc.).
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    You will get all the "but it's not fair, I can't rank high!! Make it available to everyoneee!! I spent all my alley points already =(" coming out

    They already have, and now the new characters are being handed out like candy instead of creating competition to be the first to have them. I've never taken first in a tournament, but they are enjoyable while they are around.

    Yeah I agree, I enjoyed them even if I was frustrated at times.. I just saved my points to make a run at shards I wanted.. these crybabies want to be able to get every single character shard available. Either way no matter what they do you have those that cry there isn't enough ______ or make _____ easier, I can't _______ this long.
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    Jopa_Tice wrote: »
    I have a better idea. Make the tournament within your guild only. You can "Annie up" with gear in your supply to create a winner style reward. No restarts and must use and equal amount of charters that everyone has, such as 5, 10, 20, 50... etc.

    In house guild tournament would be fantastic. It would also introduce friendly PVP.
  • RacerDejak
    3203 posts Member
    2016 : Close the tourney, it's rigged
    2017 : Open the tourney, it's fun
    2018 : Close the tourney, it don't have improvement and still rigged
    2019 : Don't u guys miss the tourney?
    2020... 2021... 2022... and so on


  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    No thankx. Current way of releasing toons is way better. And doesn't feed the cheaters
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Tournaments were dedicated to people having 24h to lose non-stop in the game. If you're playing the first day and can rank top 100, you're sure that when you wake up the day after, you felt to rank 3000 or 4000.
    Was also funny during the tournament to refresh every 5 seconds the ranking and see that at every refresh you lost 100 places.
    So, no thank you. No more tournaments like that.
  • NinFang
    60 posts Member
    NOOO. Tournaments were a horrible idea/design that failed so hard. Most players would spend several hours in a tourney and earn barely anything. While others in other tourney shards spent far less and got a full toon.
  • Romao33
    121 posts Member
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    EA introduce bad tournament to player that why people hate it, lol

  • swgohfan29
    1147 posts Member
    NO. just no.
  • Daemoe
    40 posts Member
    The purpose of this thread is to inspire others to push for some form of a return of tournaments.

    Tournaments bring life to the PVP aspect of the game. You find yourself battling new squads you have not encountered before and many players from different shards. Personally (and I believe I'm not alone), I feel that the arena becomes very dull once you make it to the top 50 and even more so once you hit the top 10. As one who finishes top 5 daily, I have contemplated swapping my arena squad just to have fun battling other squads in my arena.

    Tournaments are a lot of fun and have great potential! Please share ideas you may have to make tournaments come back

  • Brainsym
    127 posts Member
    No, good riddance, hope they don't come back at all.
  • Robhar3187
    104 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    The lack of content has gotten so bad someone wants tournaments back, that's pretty telling
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    No. Tournaments were never really competitive - the competition wasn't in skill or roster depth or squad composition; it was simply a competition of who could spend the most (first crystals, then ally points). How is that fun?
  • vlad745
    181 posts Member
    I want them back BBBBAAAADDDDLLLLYYYY. I actually don't care about prizes, but just want to fight against top players in the game which is what I did enjoy greatly.

    However, with new "balanced" AI approach in the arena where a lot of inferior teams can with against superior teams there would be no point in tournaments. For tournaments AI should be the way it was during the tournament era - not so lenient towards the attacking teams.

    Also, there should be a special tournament for eg. top 10 shard players to further reward them for all the hard work they put in their arena teams and game overall. In that tournament they could play against other top 10 shard players from different shards and compete for souped up prizes. This probably invites trooling, but there needs to be a investment-reward approach for people that put up investment in the game.
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    I would like tournaments back on one condition, no more refreshes. Every toon to be used only once. So no more 24h pressure, no more advantage for whales.
  • nite0wl29
    412 posts Member
    Options about NO! A mobile game isn't meant to have one spend hours on! And those of us with families aren't going to spend hours on to work hard at getting to a high rank, only to be knocked back down a thousand ranks an hour later.
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    vlad745 wrote: »
    I want them back BBBBAAAADDDDLLLLYYYY. I actually don't care about prizes, but just want to fight against top players in the game which is what I did enjoy greatly.

    However, with new "balanced" AI approach in the arena where a lot of inferior teams can with against superior teams there would be no point in tournaments. For tournaments AI should be the way it was during the tournament era - not so lenient towards the attacking teams.

    Also, there should be a special tournament for eg. top 10 shard players to further reward them for all the hard work they put in their arena teams and game overall. In that tournament they could play against other top 10 shard players from different shards and compete for souped up prizes. This probably invites trooling, but there needs to be a investment-reward approach for people that put up investment in the game.

    I believe many people are not understanding the purpose of the thread. It's to inspire new ideas and yes, bring back tournaments. Maybe the reason it was such a bust amongst people is because it was not released properly. Open mindedness for new ideas will bring it back and make it fun, not closed minds resistant to change.

    - Make a currency store, similar to ships, that is tournament specific for hard to farm toons.

    - Instead of character releases VIA tournament style, make the rewards gear equivalent to 3-4 raids (since gearing takes a long time).

    - Set new rules for tournaments; bring a 3 strike system. Once you lose 3 battles your ability to battle ends until a server wide refresh.
  • gunff
    287 posts Member

    I definitely think that our initial design around Tournaments was actually really fun, but somewhere along the line, we dun goofed. I, personally, think there's still a lot we could do with the tournament structure and ways we could fix it so that it wasn't... you know... "not fun", and I really would like to revisit the concept in the future.

    That said, I don't think there's a universe in which Tournaments comes back to life any time soon. We have quite a bit on our plates at the moment, and our existing content is doing a much, MUCH better job at the whole, "players enjoy it" thing.

    So yeah, more content.

    This was already brought up a couple weeks ago with a dev response on tournaments.

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    Screw new characters and ships. Bring gear tournaments around and I'll happily participate.
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