Looking for a small merge. 8-10 HAAT ready players.

81 posts Member
Guild Name: TheMacros
Guild Leader: pcmacro (me)
Level: Looking for Level 85+ (95% of our members are at level 85)
Ally Code: 447-785-141
Raids: Rancor Heroic (Done usually within 30 minutes to an hour) 24 hour no dmg rule applied
ATT Normal (Done usually within less than 10 hours)
Been a guild since day one of guilds being introduced.

Guild Rules:

1. Must be daily active player. (Doing Galactic Wars, Challenges, events, raids, etc)
2. If you do not let someone know you are going to be away, I usually boot after 10 days of inactivity.
3. Must be respectful towards each other. No Drama
4. Must accumulate 400-600 Daily Raid tickets everyday. (Important rule, but continuously not gaining this will result in boot)
5. Raids are usually done at 7:30pm and 10pm. GMT-05:00. We inter-switch the times between Rancor and ATT.
6. 24 hour no damage rule on rancor.
7. I have a LINE group setup, members are not forced to joined, however if you plan to be an officer it is a must.

I had to boot a bunch of selfish players not adhering to the 24 hour No damage rule for Rancor. Also, since we booted a ton of inactive and not as active players and have gotten new players we are finishing NAAT a lot quicker now. Which leads me to believe we are getting closer to doing HAAT. That being said we are now only looking for Heroic ATT ready players only or close to being ready.

As for small merge, can allow 8-10 players in. We keep getting new players, but we want them to be HAAT ready. Hence a small merge would be easier and as soon as we are full we would attempt doing HAAT again.

Putting this in bold



  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    We currently are at a roster of 45/50

    I can maybe boot 5. So we can accept 10 players for a merge.
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    Still need players
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    I keep having to boot people who join because they are too weak.

    If you join please have at least 5 toons with gear 10 and with 7*
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    just need 2 or 3 more to 50 and we will do HAAT again.
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
    just 2 more spots left. join and lets do HAAT. Promise as soon as we are full,, we will attempt at HAAT again, and I have a strong feeling this time we will beat it.
  • pcmacro
    81 posts Member
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Please do not bump threads
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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