Best use of R2 in tank raid - other than resistance?

37 posts Member
edited May 2017
I wonder if someone has some experience of using R2 in the tank raid, but not in a resistance team? I had a look at the forums and that seems to be what most people are talking about, but my resistance characters are simply not geared for heroic tank, but I've been working on R2 and he'll be gear XI soon, and I'd like to use him.

Where is he most effective? Should I put him in a droid team? Jedi? Something else?

And, who should he replace? This is what I'm using:
Droids: HK, IG88, IG86, JE, Nebit (replace Nebit with R2 maybe?)
Jedi: zQGJ, Yoda, JKA, IGD, Ahsoka (replace Ahsoka I guess?)

EDIT: just a note on my other teams - zeta Vader, Chirpatine, and Rebels (Wiggs, Lando, Raid Han and Ackbar - not perfect I know so maybe R2 fits in here??)

Any other tips on how to get the most out of him in those teams also appreciated.
Post edited by BettieBlue on


  • Bennehftw
    316 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    He improves everyone it seems, but at cost to the overall synergy of the team.

    Resistance you lose an expose, droids you lose out on cd reduction, clones you lose out on crit chance which reduces overall damage even with the boost, Jedi?...idk.

    He's a good plug n play, but I think he's more tailored to if you're missing a piece.

    I just don't think there is a team where you're like oh hell yeah, R2 is the end game pick! Where as at best he's an equal.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    He could/should be good with Teebo in a TM removal team on phase 1&3 since you can more or less guarantee 100% uptime on Teebo's stealth with him in the group (even without Teebo being the lead if you so desire.

    I can't see any other synergies that pop out at me other than that and Resistance.
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    Oh yeah, I'd read about Teebo + R2 for Rancor, makes sense to try that for tank - I haven't got a great 5th team so that's a good idea. And I guess at least having him geared means 1 less character to gear for resistance when I move on to them.
  • Pathos
    41 posts
    edited May 2017
    Works well with Droids P2. Either in place of Nebit or 88.

    Output at the end of the day is more or less on par with top end on regular build, so while he's not essential, Burning does make toppling a lot easier and thus by extension allows for more consistent runs to enrage.


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    @Pathos do you know how this team was modded?
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    Yeah that's a nice score there Pathos! Also curious about mods, at least for R2. I'm using 4 speed and 2 potency mods atm.
  • MD_Geist
    298 posts Member
    @Pathos is this normal AAT?
  • RobbeRobbeRobbe
    60 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    @MD_Geist it is Heroic i saw scores like that before. Best i can do is 2,2M
  • Drax_77
    1076 posts Member
    I played around with him in haat on p2 once so far, I threw him in with Rex, Vader, maul, and zkylo. Without swapping any mods around and with very little effort I toppled the tank 3 times and was able to put out about 400k, I know not big numbers at all but most of those toons are g10. Using the smokescreen on kylo to keep the rest invis. Kylo ended up doing 239k of the total.

    This was just a thrown together team to add a little damage in p2, I'm thinking that changing leads and playing around with a few others there could be a good set up with r2/zkylo for those who don't have the super teams.
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    R2 is great with clones in P2. His burning is great for topple. He is only a small decrease in crit chance from Leia. If zeta'd he gives off a solid offense boost. But P4 that team still needs Leia
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    Tried with rebels in P4 ! Was outstanding !! (Wedge Biggs lando leia zR2)

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    @Okonomiyakiparty Do you have zeta on both of R2's uniques?
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    I don't think he's "outstanding" with Rebels in p4, but pretty good! I went Wiggs, R2 (cleanse zeta only), Baze (Chirrut didnt escape from p3), and Sabine. Did 1mil. Chaze/Wiggs+DPS probably still ideal Rebel comp, but R2 is certainly serviceable, and if you're using Chaze in p3, you need backup Rebels if escape fails.

    I'll be testing him instead of Phasma in p2 zader team this week.
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    @Okonomiyakiparty Do you have zeta on both of R2's uniques?
    At the time only his unique giving +10% to allies... now have both but haven't tried yet !
  • Pathos
    41 posts
    edited June 2017
    @Pathos do you know how this team was modded?

    It's my run I should hope so!

    R2 was at 215 Speed, 50 crit and max CD. Other droids at max CD, 170-195 speed, 55+ crit and as much offense as you can manage. Don't bother with Potency on HK-47. Tenacity on both the Jawas (70+).

    JE needs to be fast as you can get him, but him aside speed is not the end all be all given you're generating a lot of TM via crit.

    And yes quite obviously this is Heroic.
    Post edited by Pathos on
  • Options
    @Pathos how much damage do you do without R2? Do you have a Link?
  • Pathos
    41 posts
    edited May 2017
    @Pathos how much damage do you do without R2? Do you have a Link?
    As stated more or less the same. I linked it earlier. My screenie post up there click on "on par".
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