Why is there no practice system

14 posts Member
edited May 2017
Just wondering is it really that hard to set up a mock battle system for guild member or allies.

Think it's one of the great aspects missin from the game. People would love to try out different arena form to see how they fair on def and offense. And get feed back from guild member and ally.
Post edited by Mageduckey on


  • Appo2619
    72 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    They are currently too busy because of nerfing players strategies.....

    But yeah-This would be awesome and a great addition(to work on better arena teams and strategies)
  • Gamorrean
    2745 posts Member
    Appo2619 wrote: »
    They are currently too busy because of nerfing players strategies.....

    lol ;)
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Oh myyyyyy...
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    Appo2619 wrote: »
    They are currently too busy because of nerfing players strategies.....

    And, developing overpowered rebels. ;)
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Haha.. Leave those guys alone. They are making the game better for everyone. Just takes time.
  • Options
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Haha.. Leave those guys alone. They are making the game better for everyone. Just takes time.

    +1, good attitude:-)
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    Problem is it could stop people from trying out teams in arena or in cantina battles which takes crystals to refresh. I want an arena but idk if devs would go for it
  • Heywood
    69 posts Member
    Glad to see a thread on this as it's my biggest complaint about the game. There needs to be a free mode where you can practice attacking. A guild setup would be ideal and could even incorporate guild PVP tournaments or wagers if desired. It would be fun to fight against guild members' teams instead of the same old arena shard opponents.

    I realize this is counter productive from a profit standpoint because when you run out of things to do, EA wants you to spend crystals to play more but it would be more fun all around if we had a practice battle mode where we didn't have to retreat like in GW.
  • Options
    Doubt this will ever be a priority - it doesn't increase revenues
  • jaybol
    14 posts Member
    still can profit i hope EA ppl still need to battle in arena to rank. and might see new team in arena.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    What do you think about the game allowing you to hire a premade mercenary character. Maybe, limit it to one or two arena battles (offense only) a day? May give people people an idea of what character to invest in next for their arena squad.
  • Options
    I want to see a practice mode for the raids
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Because if there was one, more Nute/Jawa combos would be found.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    Doubt this will ever be a priority - it doesn't increase revenues

    Sounds about right
  • Kitch
    171 posts Member
    Between changing things that work, ignoring most of the bugs, and introducing new (cool) characters, there's little time to do/build anything else.
  • Options
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Haha.. Leave those guys alone. They are making the game better for everyone. Just takes time.

    Everyone except Lugo that is *drum roll*
  • Options
    It would increase revenues if it made bored p2p stick around longer.
  • Juex777
    968 posts Member
    It would increase revenues if it made bored p2p stick around longer.

  • Dralkyr
    457 posts Member
    I think it also would increase revenue because it would let me test what combinations are possible, what p2p toons I want, what gear I'd be willing to pay for. They've put up all the Imperial Troopers as packs in the Shipments right now, but it would be excellent to actually test a team with Death Trooper and then test it again with Magma Trooper to see the difference and figure out which one I want to go with.
    Further, it will increase revenue because it keeps players in the game and wanting to play. I've 3-starred every LS, DS, and Cantina battle I have access to. Because of this my daily playtime is very limited - usually around 15 minutes in the morning, noon, and 9 when I get the bonus energy. That's it. An hour, tops, if there's an event or a raid going on. Other than that, I just SIM through the battles for shards and gear. Isn't it best for EA/CG if players stay on the game longer, even if it's a free, unlimited portion of the game?
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